Plotholes in Shadowlands because of other expansion/shadowlands own doing

I feel like literally none of the things listed in the OP are plot holes


A curious thing.

Looking at the Post Numbers… yours is the first with a well used number, and pretty deep in.

It seems like there is some blanket forum Turn Over or something. Or some Troll stoking their own flames.

What we are going to see is just a small plate from the massive Shadowlands buffet. The plate has a bunch of weird things on it that will make a story, but everything else, like all characters you listed, are being left alone because that be far too much to try and tackle.

I wish people who want to discuss shadowlands would read the available information about it so they would stop making misinformed threads about it.


Well I have been around for a pretty long time. I think new voices are a good thing but I wouldn’t blame the ‘old guard’ for bailing. Only reason I have stayed around is I have enough gold saved up from back from BfA, WoD and Legion to pretty much probably play WoW for free till it eventually shuts down or I die of old age:P Plus, I do actually think Shadowlands is a expansion I might enjoy playing. I have lately tended to find expansions which have less to do with the factions and more to do with exploring new areas/ideas, I tend to enjoy more. I really liked Pandaria right up till 5.3 (though 5.1 had some irritating moments).

What is X, Y, or Z not in Shadowlands is a very early question to ask since 1.) The zones we are visiting are not the entire Shadowlands, 2.) Said characters could show up later, or 3.) These characters are not apart of the story that Blizzard wants to tell and will sit out the expansion.

And as for Alternative characters, we currently don’t know exactly how that’s handled. Though it’s possible that the other universes have their own Shadowlands.

Not necessarily. Mueh’zala was the one to whisper to the dying Vol’jin, not the Jailer. Thus it’s possible that Sylvanas wasn’t aware of the plan to make her Warchief. Alternatively her surprise was because it was happening sooner than she expected.

Rastakhan and other trolls are being protected by Bwonsamdi. They are under his care, which does raise the possibility of Rastakhan making an appearance in the Other Side Dungeon as a WQ rescue target or something.

Tyrande joined us in invading the Shadowlands and then did her own thing. Tyrande is able to be on the move within the Maw because of her power, the power of the Night Warrior.

The Helm was from the Shadowlands, and Sylvanas destroyed it with the power from her pact with the Jailer. Thus she may have simply channeled that energy into creating the connection between Azeroth and the Shadowlands.

Her husband and daughter are currently MIA. The son thing comes from Scarlet Crusade propaganda claiming that they have a living heir to the throne of Lordaeron, and in their eyes the Alliance.

It was Anduin and Alonsus Foal who resurrected Calia with the Light, and according to the Naaru Saa’ra she chose to return as an undead.

Half of said power ironically resembles the Stygia(referred to as Hatred) created when Souls are violently destroyed in the Maw and is used by the Mawsworn along with Dominion(Whitish-Black) Death Magic and normal(Green) Death Magic!

The other half resembles Void.

Tyrande is using Hatred and Shadow to fight the Maw.

The only parts of De Other Side we encounter are where we fight Mueh’zala… everywhere else is either the Manaforges’ hideout, Ardenweald or Hakkar’s domain.

Not a single one of these things are plot holes.

Oh hey, you’re back.

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Shadowlands is absolutely an expansion you shouldn’t think too hard on, and also one that won’t be referenced in detail ever again after it finishes.

plothole is a hole or inconsistency in a storyline that goes against the flow of logic established by the story’s plot. They’ve stated a number of times that there’s an infinite number of realms. All the characters you listed could be in one of the realms that we will not be visiting here. Also those characters aren’t important or necessary to the plot


that was Mueh’zala, and her face is not 100% shocking, it could be explained as Awareness, so to speak, the plan is now starting.

most likely in the light.

his soul is destroyed

maybe on the dragon island

other side

Hrmm? What you mean?

right, but we don´t know any shadowland realm, so he could be anywhere.

on a different realm, like liam. We have only 4 (6) out of infinite.

Because she ´s the Avatar of Elune, a power beyond mortality.

again, on a different REALM

it was never written he was not destructible.

another realm

another realm

maybe the next horse in revendreths dungeons…it mean, he litteraly said, horses, so its exist more then one.

different Realms…

There are a lot of realms out there, it seems, and those that don’t have a place in current story must have ended up there. I don’t find this problematic. You can’t fit every character into a single story all the time.

It seems like the afterlives that we previously believed in most likely don’t exist or aren’t quite what is described. It doesn’t seem like there is a light realm that the light takes it fervent believers to. Rather the light has some ability to help its believers reach -A- realm in the shadowlands. Seeing as Ysera is in Ardenweld, Elune seems to be similar in not having her own realm to send souls to - and rather having some power to guide them to an appropriate one in Shadowlands.

Blizzard is far from a masterpiece of literature - but not everything they do is a plothole - and they do end up with the pressure of having to try to balance story with player and faction expectations and such, which I suspect is quite hard to mesh into a coherent single idea.