Please make Xalus an easier encounter. There really is no reason why boomkin’s astral form just requires them to make a jump, and yet us lock’s have to solo a raid boss that one taps you if you mess up kiteing him…
It’s like P1 trying to get Meta form all over again, we had to run the progression raid (BFD) to even be able to get our tanking rune, whereas other classes got their new roles relatively easy.
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Warrior’s sudden death rune is the same way and so is the Shockwave rune, actually very difficult. Sudden death encounter isn’t as bad as the shockwave one which you need a group for.
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I’ve done both on my Warrior and can say that their significantly easier to do. Khonsu was a little challenging but very do-able. And shock wave was trivial if you have a group willing to help.
Tank Thing that you can’t get while tanking. makes no sense. at least let it be doable with a group. crazy stuff.
yeah I hate challenges, I want everything GIVEN to me!
If Xalus is clowning you, does that mean it’s already tooned?
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