PLEASE this is serious

It’d be great if they did use local sources, especially for the meat.

But they can’t sell their food at the prices they do with real meat.

It’s like back when I was in high school, I had a friend who worked at Pizza Hut. And one day he says, “Do you all think we put beef and pork on your pizza if you order it that way?” We all said yes, but he replied that they don’t. "Look at the menu. It does NOT say beef and pork. It says ‘beef topping’ and ‘pork topping.’ (The word ‘topping’ was in really small font after the words beef and pork.) Because the government requires them to have a certain percentage of actual beef and pork to label it as beef and pork, and because they don’t, they have to call them “toppings.”

/moo :cow:

Nz is really far away and we have expensive food standards. I think it might be cheaper for them to source their meat locally. But mostly because I’m sure they will charge us a lot more than they would in America. Food is expensive here. Anyways only time will tell lol. I will make sure to find out if its sourced locally lol

I heard it had to do with the packaging for it.
Since the big kick now is to basically try and leave as small a footprint as possible so that they can cater to the enviromentalcases.

You know the same ones that threw a fit about plastic straws that came in paper sleeves? Now we have paper straws that come in plastic sleeves… Good job, glad you guys were there to save us.

Wait they got rid of mexican pizza? I know they got rid of meximelts but if you ask for one they still make them.

I really want one now
I could make one with a fried tortilla but that crunch won’t be there

Bring back the mexi nugget first.

I just want to be able to get a quasorito without having to order it ahead of time on my phone. This scaled down menu crap restaurants are pulling is just a way to cut costs. Give me my food!

I miss the grande soft taco, it was so good. They should bring back all the other stuff too though.