Please stop the gimmicks and focus on the Retail WoW game

yeah sadly i dont see this “meta” changing anytime soon. Thank fortnite for that one.
Fomo works for this exact reason and personally im so over it. I’ll keep playing and collecting when the rewards are actually cool though. But sometimes taking a step back and breaking the “i must have it” dopamine train is both needed and also useful to remember that at the end of the day it really is just worthless pixellated garbagio lol

unless you’re the .01%, you’ll never have it all. And it also creates a really toxic mentality of self-punishment when you miss something you didn’t even like, by virtue that now your collection is that much more uncompleted

Lol i feel that. I made easily a dozen or more forum posts over the years asking for CM sets to come back. They’re finally coming back now but at what cost? so many arguments with gatekeepers for nothing lmao. They’re delusional to think this stuff stays impossible to get forever (look at naxx sets also). But that time between when you could’ve got them and them finally returning is pretty annoying yeah

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At this point in the expansion life span, what we would typically be getting is absolutely nothing for up to a year. Yet you’re frothing at the mouth over them trying out new things.


It’s April. The cadence of content coming into DF since it launched has been among the best blizzard has ever done for this game going back to original retail launch in November 2004.

I’m not getting dragged into a “what they released is not content “ debate. Content has been released very consistently if you personally didn’t or don’t like the content that just means you don’t like it it doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist.

Four months they don’t give 100% content for DF and you complain?


Well the writing is terrible, so I will settle for cool goodies until they fix it.

This kind of stuff is world of warcraft in fact its more like world of warcraft than the alternative which is nothing for 10+ months waiting for the next xpac.

This is wow content and you should be thankful we are getting anything at all as opposed to a massive content drought.

What do you want them to do? Just make no content at all until the next xpac? I’m so glad people like you dont decide the direction of the game.
They havent lost focus they are simply giving us something to do while we wait for the next expansion.

This is exactly my sentiment. I’ve been fortunate to like pretty much everything they’ve put out this expansion.

And for me personally, I’m glad it’s been all kinds of stuff and not just more dragons. DF been great, but I’m kind of burnt out on this expansion’s theme.

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“You wouldn’t know them. They go to a different school.” That’s the vibe I get every time I see these words.


In the past expansions at this point we’d be staring down a year+ of no new content and instead we’re getting a bunch of little events and special things here and there. They’re doing more to give players stuff to do than ever before.

And yet people are still managing to complain about stuff.


That because you never hanged with them. They are the best at what they do, and hang all the time and gave all the ins and outs of what was wrong from level 1 through 5 and it was literally eye opening.

Oh and they justed moved to another city but promised to hang out on this game that isn’t totally in the same boat as this other game.


xD Exaaaactly. That’s the only vibe I ever get. You understand. <3

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Honestly, I feel like everyone complaining about MoP Remix has either forgotten this, or they’re a player that has less than five years under their belt and literally zero experience with how the back end of an expansion typically played out once the final raid was out.

As a prime example: Patch 3.3 was released on 12/8/09. The final wing of ICC opened on 2/2/10 with Patch 3.3.2, and while we had Ruby Santcum in June, overall it was a whole bunch of nothing for nearly nine months. Granted, 4.0 was out in October, but the Cata world changes didn’t occur until two weeks before launch on 12/7/10.

If I could use Dragonflight as an example of how that very Wrath scenario would play out if it were repeated all these years later, here’s how it would go:

  • Patch 10.2 is released on 11/7/23
  • The final wing of LFR Amirdrassil opens 12/12/23
  • Patch 10.2.5/Bel’ameth are added in April rather than January, but have no new quests
  • No Blunderstorm (personally, an improvement IMO)
  • No MoP Remix
  • No Fated Raids/Season 4 content
  • Patch 11.0 in August, but ONLY the talent changes
  • Patch 11.0.3 in September with the first actual new content showing up after five months of NOTHING!
  • TWW release in October

I know not everything in the last month and a half or so is to everyone’s liking, but honest question:
Would those of you complaining about the current content release timeline (which FYI strongly suggests we’re seeing TWW in August) actually prefer 9-10 months of NOTHING and a LATER expansion release as opposed to small bits of new content mixed in with a few new ideas to try and keep things fresh while we wait for 11.0 to drop at some point in the summer?

^ This x10000!

I’m always amazed at how much everyone that starts on this “Well, the UI is terrible and new players need to download XYZ addons, and do this, blah, blah, blah!” crap never seem to realize just how asinine that actually sounds.

Someone that is a NEW PLAYER has literally ZERO frame of reference for what is and isn’t broken. A brand new player isn’t going to load onto the ship just before the start of Exile’s Reach, take one look at the UI, say “Yep, this is completely messed up!” and then instantly rush over to CurseForge and bloat their WoW addon folder with all the stuff that they as a new player DO NOT NEED!

Honestly, I feel like some vets are more of a detriment to new players than anything else. I’ve known new players that have been on the receiving end of some of these “THE UI SUCKS!” rants and been absolutely confused at where this stuff was coming from as the vast majority simply look at the basic WoW UI and say “It’s functional, I don’t see a problem.”

In turn, some of these players just instantly download a laundry list of crap because their 10+ year vet friend insists on them having it because the VET can’t operate without it (you know, as opposed to slowly helping them and getting them used to things at their own pace?), at which point it’s almost like an instant information overload for some of these folks. More often than not, I find this leads to the vet wondering why the hell their friend doesn’t want to play WoW all of a sudden.

Guys: it’s your personal preference shoved onto your buddy. It might not be to your liking, but the UI (both before AND after the DF overhaul) was perfectly functional for ANY new player right out of the gate. I myself still use ElvUI mainly as a personal preference, but if it stopped working tomorrow and was never updated ever again, I could still play with the standard UI.

I’m not stupid enough to think a new player with no knowledge of the game actually NEEDS to have DBM, a damage meter, and about 10-20 other addons of varying quality downloaded and installed the second they step onto Exile’s Reach. In fact, assuming you didn’t chase off your friend, this is actually how you wind up with a player that CAN’T operate with the standard UI.

I promise you: if you leave your friend to their own devices and let them play at their own pace with the normal UI while they get their feet wet, they’ll be just fine. Hell, they might even have better odds of STICKING AROUND if you aren’t constantly hovering over them and acting like their helicopter parent in WoW.


Being able to replay a WoW expansion is absolutely World of Warcraft. You even create a remix character on your current realm in retail and it converts at the end of the event.

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And it’s hilarious considering we’re getting MoP Remix during the end of this expansion, when MoP had the longest end of expansion lull in the game’s history. There was more than a year of nothing between Siege of Orgrimmar and WoD. And now we have people losing their minds if we go more than a couple months without something being added to retail.

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I’ve been echoing the OP’s sentiments since the first release of Classic during BfA. WoW should have done away with the large expansions and introduce Horizontal Progression, kept everyone in the same client and doubled down on feedback circles. It’s too late now change course now, unfortunately, as there are 10000000000000000 versions of the game and the original is barely tended to with long-term solutions. I hope The WorldSoul Saga will be a turn back and a good look at what made WoW successful; and why, how and when that was lost to begin with.

This kind of stuff will just help FF 14 out more and more.

I play FFXIV and GW2 occasionally. They’ve copied WoW and innovated upon it to succeed, but I’d say the main factor to their outshining us is how they’ve kept content relevant and rewarded both the casual and the hardcore activities (as well as tend to the game as a live service)… you can add the social sphere as well with things like housing…

If only WoW had moved to Horizontal Progression, say, post BfA with its original themes and to a cheaper / more variable model, I think we’d be in a much better place compared to now where short-term dopamine hits and nostalgia are relied upon to keep the playerbase trying something new but ephemeral/secluded each month, and maintaining their subscription for its own sake.

Actions speak volumes, but they reflect the philosophy underneath.
They’ve made a bad choice and we’re slowly seeing the consequences.
I just hope the WorldSoul Saga will be a turn towards the right direction.

Why is Plunderstorm on the Retail client but each classic is on a separate one?
They should ALL be INSIDE “Retail” IMO, whether via Chromie Time or a Queue system.
At least The War Within Alt system looks rather promising for increasing player agency and playing by interest… The Tech is probably there to do it already.


If it’s their raid/party they can definitely do that.

Expansion’s over, dawg. We’re in “play another game” mode right now. It’s not like we’d get another zone or raid tier if they weren’t doing these side things. It’s a because not an instead of. See you for Journey to the Center of Azeroth if Dawntrail sucks.

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Why do you always make comparisons to older versions of the game, using them as an excuse for the lack of content?

Are we playing the same game as we did say in 2012? WoW in 2024 has different developers, pulls in more money, and is under a new director, heck, Blizzard even has a new parent company.

I’m sorry Akston, but trying to compare how things were, trying to make excuses for a modern live service game that is clearly barking up the wrong tree with these fomo time limited events isn’t a good look.

I for one, think the development resources they wasted on this could have been used to make new content for the live game. I don’t care what they did in 2012, or 2016, that was almost 10 years ago now, things change, and it is painfully obvious that the current people in charge of WoW don’t have a clue what to do with the game anymore.

These events just scream a development team desperate to try to recapture old players that quit the game years ago. This moves to me, screams desperation.

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So the solution is to just throw increasingly larger sums of money at WoW every expansion to make make sure they have a team large enough to make a full content patch, and another expansion?

I’m pretty sure every time they’ve tried to have constant large patch cycles, they ended up burning out and we’d end up with a longer content drought.