Please, right click report bots

Programmer gets paid 1k a week 10 employees would equate to 10k per week just to pay these people, you would then pay the power bill for the electricity they use to do the job, and then all the other resources they need to do their job without complaining about it.
This adds up, money doesn’t grow on trees and alot of it needs to be recirculated into developing other projects.

Millions of dollars can be spent in a very short amount of time if you dont spend it wisely, this is how you run a successful business.

Give me all the report and warden data and a GM account and ill put an end to the botting and RMT problem, BUT some of your friends may go missing.

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Bots make blizzard 15$ per month per bot why would they ban them lol

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Again do you have evidence that blizzard is intentionally allowing malicious behavior in their games to exist just to earn some quick bucks that destroys their game over the long term?

It’s not quick bucks, it’s long term income. No body is quitting the game because there are bots, trust me

“BUT some of your friends may go missing”

This right here is exactly what im saying, its not as easy to do this as you all might think.

oh it is, its just not policy to ban buyers,

But people will quit the game over bots, you may not but i would if it got too bad and so would my friends.

Parma banning buyers is the only way.


If you’re running a successful business, are you going to ban someone trying to give you money?

No, you are going to take their money and say good day sir.

As others have said, every bot is still a $15 sub.

Hilarious you talk about “running a successful business” but think good business is to turn away paying customers lmfao @ you.

They let bots roam free until enough players like you have reported them.

Don’t @ me anymore, you have no idea what you are talking about.

The fact you think hiring 3 people to ban bots is “to expensive” for a multi-billion dollar company because they have to “pay the electricity bill” shows how clueless you are.

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“Do you guys not have phones?!”


A better idea would be Blizzard actually doing something about it

What someone said earlier in the thread is true: a single GM with the power and authority to ban accounts could get rid of 90% of the bots in a day. There’s no riddle to solve here. There’s no great mystery to unveil or secret to discover. We know where the bots are. We know who the bots are. It merely requires the will to do it.

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OK, I am convinced you are just trolling now.

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Yeah, that’s true. A single GM could ban every single person he sees and he’d probably get 90% of the bots by doing so. Just open up the online list and ban everyone, might get more than 90% by doing that.

Forums: “We don’t trust Blizzard! They lie and only care about money!”
Forums: “Blizzard, just ban everyone that looks like a bot! We want more of your authority in-game! We don’t care if you have to abandon the appeal system because banning people that just look like bots doesn’t supply an appeals GM with anything to look at!”

I totally want the Blizzard GM army to visit me while I’m fishing with my UI turned off and watching streams. When they ban me because I don’t respond to their message, I’ll totally be pleased that there’s nothing I can do and I have to make a new account.

Banning all bots would be the easiest thing in the world. It takes 2 hours a day to make botting non-profitible.

-teleport to all starting zone pre-boost leveling routes and noclip around while invisible
-/who the Chinese botting guilds my server has had since launch and eliminate them
-/who every botted dungeon and investigate suspicious players
-teleport to each and every player in the high level herbing zones where there are never more than 20 players per faction. Use an add-on like friendinfo to add tags in the /who list to obvious non-bots.
-back to the starting zone to cleanup the new accounts

Do this for a week and there’s no money in it for botters. Should have been done over a year ago though.

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I don’t think people imagine that particular scenario.

The scenario might otherwise be a guy setting at a desk like a security guard does, and just waits for the purps to start rolling into zones that are high in bot traffic.

It’s “perps”

Also, I doubt very much that the majority of bot offenders are fishing at this point. The hell kind of argument is that?

No, I like to imagine they’re purple people. In my imagination, they’re being eaten by a one-eyed, one-horned flying creature.

It really feels to me like Blizzard puts very little effort in to the bot / cheating problem. While I do right click and report it really feels to me like I am doing most of Blizzards work when it comes to dealing with these bots because they dont want to spend the money to hire real people. I think this problem is really apparent when players in literally every online multiplayer game that Activision Blizzard makes report huge problems with bot/ cheating.

I feel like I have spent so much of my time in game reporting people that I should be compensated in some way. Maybe with game time or access to betas or something.

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