Please, right click report bots

What is your suggestion?
They pay thousands of employees to walk around in the world looking for bot behaviors?


1 GM working an 8 hour shift could clean up 90% of the bots on the server in a single work shift.

This is a multi-billion dollar company you are talking about, they could easily hire a few workers to go around cleaning up bots manually before they actually cause significant damage to the economy, but they don’t, because their stock investors are more important than their players.


I just started playing again like last week and oh my mother of god the bots are ATROCIOUS. If they are honestly trying then they are beyond incompetent.

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Im sorry what?

Ok, how would a single employee accomplish this then?

Wave a magic wand?

gonna need a source

By checking botting hotspots and manually banning them.

It really isn’t that frigging hard.

If you can spot them, they can.

The fact you think bots are hard to detect shows how utterly clueless you are.

GMs have powers, they can teleport to any instance and anywhere in the world they want instantly.

Teleport to dire maul or stratholme, see a potential bot, do something wacky like shoot a bunch of fireworks infront of his face, continue doing weird things with your gm powers o bot check him, if he ignores it all ban, easy.

Bots farm the same locations, once you know the hot spots it really isn’t hard to just teleport there and ban the obvious bots.

Your trying make this sound alot harder than it really is.


Then how do they know which spots are botted if players dont report them?

Also it is hard, you would have to manually do this every day across every server.
This takes time and processing power.

That’s why they get paid to do their job.

JFC you really are delusional?

Yes, paying someone to manually going around banning bots everyday is what I am suggesting.

Why you think this is a bad idea for a multi-billion dollar company I have no idea.


Because it would cost this multi million dollar company millions of dollars.

There is an easy way to do things and a hard way, what you are suggesting is the hard way.

The easy way is to program software that does it automatically, however computing is not sophisticated enough to easily analyze player behavior to accurately ban the botters.

So they do both, this is why it is important for you to right click report people.

Im not the delusional one, you are for thinking blizzard are inherently evil.

A sub is a sub. They don’t care.

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Do you have evidence that they don’t care or is this just a bias opinion?

If you can honestly look at the state of bots in the game and think they have any interest in seriously dealing with the issue, then nothing I say can change your mind.

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Yet they have stated that they work hard to ban bots and have made multiple edits to their code to forcefully stop tens of thousands of bots from working in the ‘Bot ban waves’.

“millions of dollars”

LMFAO, you think it cost “millions of dollars” to hire a few employees.

Again, this is a MULTI-BILLION DOLLAR corporation you are referring to.


They make BILLIONS.

Yes, they should absolutely use some of those billions to fix the problem.

They can afford to pay a few people to address this problem, and they should.

Bro bots are subscriptions. Every bot brings them in $15 per month… there’s a lot of bots… LOL

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Seriously I would love to own a game where the players buy subscriptions to make bots talk about a cash cow lol

Cha Chinggggg!!!

Programmer gets paid 1k a week 10 employees would equate to 10k per week just to pay these people, you would then pay the power bill for the electricity they use to do the job, and then all the other resources they need to do their job without complaining about it.
This adds up, money doesn’t grow on trees and alot of it needs to be recirculated into developing other projects.

Millions of dollars can be spent in a very short amount of time if you dont spend it wisely, this is how you run a successful business.

Give me all the report and warden data and a GM account and ill put an end to the botting and RMT problem, BUT some of your friends may go missing.

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