Please revert feral hotfix/use 2.0 energy [FIXED, ty Blizz!]

Anti power shifters BTFO. NO RECOVERY

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pandora’s box has been opened so many times now that next we will see pandas and merc mode

/shrug enjoy your still mediocre dps and being confused about why people still aren’t brining you for dps.

If you enjoy it more for reasons that’s fine, it just won’t change feral in any meaningful way which is all I’ve said.

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This is the most prime example of how bad these forums are with attempting to stifle reasonable feedback for seemingly no reason at all.
This serves as proof that feedback can work provided it isn’t stifled by people who seemingly had nothing to gain or lose.

The next question is why…why were people so against a change to fit with the core of the spec at this point in BC? What is the motivation in arguing against what (in this case) the majority wanted without having a horse in the race? Why was that negativity brought here for seemingly no purpose?

Imagine being that negative, all this gonna do if you play feral is improve your gameplay even if you don’t time or maximize your powershifting

…LOL nope.

This is why I came to this thread, because y’all are so emotionally invested that you think ANY opposition to you is a TOTAL opposition. I was very clear from the beginning that correcting the bug was a priority (which is exactly what they did).

Nearly a month ago to the day. Reality is so much more fun than whatever nonsense you people run with…

Yes… and then you spent the next 206 posts arguing with people about why they were wrong to want back what they lost, vehemently. This included, but was not limited to, actively campaigning AGAINST powershifting as a mechanic many, many times.

The fact that you said it once at the start doesn’t change your activity since.

I’m not going to reply to you again; nobody in their right functioning mind would read any part of this thread and believe that you had the interests of ferals in mind. This isn’t imagined or even remotely embellished. Pick any run of 100 posts in this thread and I’d venture you’d find atleast 2 of yours proving as such.

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No, I argued that all the wailing and gnashing of teeth was moronic, juvenile, and silly, and to not get your hopes up given past precedent. Blizzard changed exactly what I thought they’d change: the Hp5 bug. It just so happens that that bug also related to the original change in Energy so they were able to have an adjustment for both. I never denied this possibility and as I quoted above, I even encouraged it if possible. I just didn’t pin all my hopes and dreams on Blizzard doing what I wanted.

Apparently that was too much to handle for the lot of you who needed a unilateral front of hashtag spamming.

I noted how powershifting was decidedly frowned upon by Blizzard, with evidence of exactly that. I never said anything more.

This, this right here, is why you and the rest are so ridiculous. “Interest of the ferals” is exactly what I had in mind, it just so happens that I could have applied this to literally any other thread that was 50% mindless bumps and forum brigading. What generated this solution for Blizzard is the fix to powerchugging, which means the most likely thing that put all of this on Blizzard’s radar was the WoWHead article. They noted the Reddit and Twitter and elsewhere spam to be sure, but the well-written discussion of powerchugging absolutely made them say “yup, we need to fix the bug and see what else is going on under the hood” which is what they did, and we got the fix.

But because I said “Hey, being mindless crying turds all over the forums is no way to get anything done” I must hate you all for some reason. Get over it.

By all means, cite them. This is the part where you and others are WELCOME to pick from all of these supposed counterfactuals that make me eat crow. By all means, serve up a heaping pile of the stuff. You and others were petty and vindictive enough to even try to impersonate me on the Druid Discord to stir up additional drama, so don’t trip at the finish line when you can prove yourself now! Go for it! Let’s see you take me down a peg!


If you guys stop giving Fasc attention, he’ll stop posting. Just act like he’s not here, thats what I’ve been doing and it works really well.


this helps immensely in PvP and makes the play style much more smooth since you’re shifting forms constantly, you are so ignorant, your words are just salty lmfao

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You don’t do a very good job of it, especially when you ask basic questions, get basic answers, and throw a fit because I gave them, instead of someone else. Just makes you look petty: see above.

Ehhhh Feral PvP is pretty piss poor with or without this change since the actual limiting factor in PvP is not really your Energy, but your Mana, since you’re still expected to drop forms and cast as well as powershift snares/roots regularly. Any team worth their salt will simply aim to drain you by attrition since Feral burst is pretty poor, has no MS effect, has no slow effect, and can be healed through with or without Resilience on the target.

Consider them cited.

It isn’t possible to link to a list of your posts on the thread, but anybody who wants to can click on your name and look at every single one of them.

The vast majority of your posts in this thread were negative toward the changes as they have now been made. Your posts were harmful to druid by intent, even if their result was to continue to bump the thread and ultimately achieve the goal of the people you continued to argue with. You spent post after post arguing semantics, while I’m sure you well understood the meaning and intent behind the post.

You argue for argument’s sake, you clearly gain joy from being contrarian for the sake of being contrarian, and even now you are trying to posture as if you somehow got what you wanted despite the absurd effort you went to to argue with EVERY post and thread that asked for it.

Just stop. Don’t bother. Nobody believes you.

Me laughing at you for being on an alt? Gee… that totally… (read’s notes)… uhhh…

…yeah. Ahahaha is this the best you can find? This is pathetic, no wonder you’re on an alt. Especially since I was responding to someone else who just tried to pull a “oh you’re using big words” insult.

And as I type this you’re changing the quote you selected:

You then quote someone arguing about the counterintuitiveness of powershifting, which hasn’t changed an iota, and is still why it gets nuked in Wrath. LOL

By all means, link me a post where I link back to my month-old post that you said didn’t count anymore. Well done. Ahahahah

This is you just being lazy, because you don’t actually have evidence, you just have feeling as you say:

This is a ludicrous claim. You only dislike the perceived intent because it didn’t result in agreement with your campaign. Young people need to realize that opposition isn’t the same as malice, and if you present interesting ideas poorly you will be criticized for the poor methods employed. This fact was missed by yourself, and several others, why many others duly noted the nonsense and stayed away from the brigading.

There’s a reason why the Druid Discord is considered pretty toxic, and it is because of the overly emotional investment put on display here.

I don’t actually care if you believe me. Plenty of others do.

It wasn’t at me you were laughing. I was attempting to link to the filtered list, which doesn’t work.

I have, quite literally, no idea what you are talking about. It has nothing to do with what I quoted, which is you posting, yet again, about a wrath change that has nothing to do with how feral plays now, in TBC. For reasons that are clearly in the interest of feral, now, in TBC. Right? I’m sure you meant it to be helpful to ferals, without any ill-intent.

Feeling is literally the point. Blizzard has said of feedback, time and time again, tell us why you don’t like what you don’t like. The majority of feedback about Feral is about how different it felt, and why it needs to change back.

It doesn’t “feel” like you are being contrarian and argumentative; literally every post you made in the thread is outright contrarian and argumentative. I cannot link to your list of posts; they are listed with a filter that everyone needs to manually enable. If you actually want me to manually quote every post you made on this thread, I will. They are all evidence of the fact.

I am nearly certain that I am older than you, you smarmy piece of crap. Opposition is not the same as malice, but malice is born almost definitionally out of opposition.

Somewhere, many thousands of posts ago, I asked you what YOUR purpose was here, and you never, ever answered. You have no valid reason to be here, arguing that the change to energy generation that has now been reverted, should stay as it was. And yet, here you were. Arguing. Over and over and over again.

Whether or not the arguments were made poorly is subjective, and the fact that you claim they were made poorly does not make it so. As I said; despite your efforts to thwart the reversion, they were functionally effective.

It’s considered toxic by you, so I suppose that makes this semantically not an overt lie at least. Like most of your posts; intentionally skipping the point and arguing using only semantics in a manner that can only be considered malicious.

Oh yeah? Like who? That one guy who wanted wrath feral to be imported into TBC out of nowhere inexplicably? The 100 paladins who posted in the thread?

You live in a world that exists only in your head, where you are a beacon of light for your followers that don’t exist, fighting against the tyranny of the druid discord and fighting for truth that doesn’t exist.

Glad you so readily dismiss the “forum brigading” that is otherwise known as feedback, shared by many hundreds of druids and important enough to come to the forums and post about for each of us. Thank god you’re here to fight against the evil that is feedback. Still without an appreciable reason for doing so, as far as I can tell.

This had all been foretold:

"When he opened the seventh seal, there was silence from the dev team for about half an hour.

And I saw the seven angels who stand before Kotick, and seven trumpets were given to them.

Another angel, Kaivax, who had a blue post, came and stood at the altar. He was given much incense to offer, with the prayers of all Azeroth’s people, on the golden altar in front of the throne. The smoke of the incense, together with the prayers of Azeroth’s people, went up before Kotick from Kaivax’s hand. Then Kaivax took the censer, filled it with fire from the altar, and hurled it on the forums; and there came peals of thunder, rumblings, flashes of lightning and an earthquake.

Then the seven angels who had the seven trumpets prepared to sound them.

The first angel sounded his trumpet, and the dev team made a small change to druid energy regen rates and there came hail and fire mixed with blood, and it was hurled down on the game. A third of Azeroth was burned up, a third of the trees were burned up, and all the green grass was burned up.

The second angel sounded his trumpet, and horde had to wait longer than they wished for their BG’s to pop and something like a huge mountain, all ablaze, was thrown into the sea. A third of the sea turned into blood, a third of the living creatures in the sea died, and a third of the ships were destroyed.

The third angel sounded his trumpet, and some bears tanked while some warriors were allowed to DPS and a great star, blazing like a torch, fell from the sky on a third of the rivers and on the springs of water— the name of the star is Wormwood. A third of the waters turned bitter, and many people died from the waters that had become bitter.

The fourth angel sounded his trumpet, and a boomkin used innervate on himself and not on the arcane mage and a third of the sun was struck, a third of the moon, and a third of the stars, so that a third of them turned dark. A third of the day was without light, and also a third of the night.

As I watched, I heard Sigillite call out in a loud voice: “Woe! Woe! Woe to the inhabitants of Azeroth, because of the trumpet blasts about to be sounded by the other three angels!”


The question was about how intuitive powershifting as a mechanic was or wasn’t, which back in TBC it wasn’t at all, and in Wrath, Devs specifically talked about it being so while referencing TBC. But whether something is or isn’t intuitive is entirely a different discussion from the rest of this.

Are you going to find a quote of me saying powershifting is easy? I’m sure that’s in here, and I’m sure it has nothing to do with this “intent” you’re so insistent on finding, but it is probably in here somewhere. If you’re going to try to prove up my having bad intent then you actually need to find something that shows bad intent. Crazy concept I know but when people make claims for X, they typically have to show X in the evidence.



This doesn’t mean spamming the forums with hashtag posts and attacking anyone that pushes back even in the slightest with frothing rage… don’t be like the psychos in a Starbucks line, screeching about how THEY are a valued customer and THEY deserve a right to speak about their service and THEY are giving important feedback.

Lying is a sin.

I’d settle for one that proves your point, at least somewhat. So far you’ve posted two posts, one being mocking back to someone who was trolling first, and the other to someone discussing the intuitiveness (or lack thereof) of powershifting, neither of which being argumentative, neither of which were simply contrarian.

Then act like it.

Ahahaha no, you don’t get to reverse it and claim it.

I’m sure arguing with your own biases must be fun!

Hardly. My last guild’s Tank lead and Druid lead and I regularly had a field day with some of the inane stuff that got posted there. Too many emotions invested in trivial matters and a deep desire to be affirmed at every turn…

My guild, my last guild, loads of people on these forums, loads of my old theorycrafting pals.

Mmmmmmmm irony.

man you just don’t stop, but I don’t expect you to understand you’re a bear druid

Guardian and Feral don’t get separate specs until MoP.


Thanks for all your support in bumping this thread Fasc. We couldn’t have done it without you champ!


Nah some of actually play the full feral spec instead of wanting to sit in kitty all the time.