Please respect the Dragonkin models for the new race

Play a female belf use red hair and mount a red dragon. Now you are Alexstrasza. :sweat_smile:

I don’t want to play a “dragonkin” … YUCK!

I want to play a DRAGON!

Make it look like the flying dragon mounts, but smaller. Maybe the size of a bear form druid. It should be able to use its wings to fly as a mount when not in combat. And give it an AOE breath weapon on a long cooldown that it can use when on the ground.

“We” don’t want a new race. We want a new class

I dont want this model as playable race.

However I would LOVE to see these models remastered as foes for us again!!!

I’ve never liked those models. I’d much rather have a shapeshifter with a dragon form and a humanoid form, though it would be cool if the latter had a body type more like a Worgen with a tail and horns.