Please Relook at the Priest Specs for DF

Ok, i was gonna hold back but seeing the rogue and hunter talent trees just made me sad.

The priest’s talent tree (for at least shadow) feels so bad in comparison. Please relook and rework it on both the class and spec tree.

The two new classe’s trees feels so fluid and free as you traverse down. I didn’t feel restricted at all compared to shadow. I didn’t feel forced to get useless talents that I felt I didn’t need. I felt a lot of my core abilities shoved down my spec tree unlike hunters and rogues’ tree rendition. Like idk what else to say.

Clearly, some classes are heavily favored. That’s just how they are making me feel. Makes me worried about other classes, like warlock, etc.

Other specs I am unsure. I don’t really like this current rendition of disc so I don’t like that spec at all. I prefer WOTLK’s edition more.
Holy, I’ll look at It more and find depth later.

Editing post – Rework Idea:
I will be making two replies. The first one is regarding talents.
The second one is more regarding reworking ideas.
This is more for the shadow sides of things.

Talents: Thoughts and Concerns - PART 1 CLASS SPEC MAINLY*
First, Shadow Spec has too many abilities to unlock. Remove and reduce.
IMO Mind flay should either be the baseline spell for shadow spec or go to class spec talent. Read down below for details.

For the class tree, I would have loved to see instead POM, PWS, and Mind Blast as the first row since these are the CORE Iconic spells for all 3 specs that best represent them IMO.

Put SWD as a baseline as a replacement for swapping PWS.

For the Second row same…
Pretty much just Put PWS where SWD is currently located. Add Mind Blast above the right side of Shadow mend. Remove shadow word death extra talent and make 20 cd spell baseline. Replace talent with mind flay. Mind flay connects to 3rd-row talent, Mind restrain.

Would be a great opportunity to add a solo isolated talent 2 PWS to make it stronger / absorb a bit more than normal.

Default talents – So far it looks like only Disc gets TWO spells default. I would rather give all the specs opportunities to do that with their own combination.

  • Holy gets POM and PWS
  • Disc gets PWS and MB
  • Shadow gets MB and Mind flay.
    • Mind flay can be located under Mind blast

With my current changes, I think it would be cooler if we give Two spell choice options between Shadow flame prism and Idol of Ct’hon. Pretty much, let Shadow spec have a chance to get Void tentacles in class spec.

Shadow Fiend merges with Improve Shadow fiend talent. It’s dumb that this was separated.

Now, instead, Shadow fiend connects to Mind Bender. Mind bender goes up to where Improve shadow fiend used to be.
Rabid Shadows connects to mind bender – moves to where Mind bender was originally at.
Would be interesting to add Psyfiend here followed by Idol of Ct’hon/Shadow flame prism hexagram node.


How much of this imbalance is that pure dps classes have the advantage of only having one roll? Trying to mix healing and damage is harder than only damage.


Its just that all classes have everythign now!

Why are hunters and rogues allowed to heal themselves?! That’s absurd class fantasy-wise. We have a trinity system for a reason. it’s not a game like lost ark where there is no real healer class.
They give way too much to these classes and do not compensate at all imo.

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I don’t really play nor understand Druids Restoration or Balance specializations as I am more Guardian and Feral. However in saying that, I am super casual on my druid in any regard and from what I see, I enjoy the Feral and guardian trees with minor gripes… mainly I think Feral should have Leader of the Pack crit party/raid buff so they have some “unique” reason to bring to groups over other classes.

But is the Druid Class & Resto tree having similar issues as the Priests?

I guess we can really start making comparisons once we see the Shaman tree as that’s similar in that they at least have a caster DPS spec and Healing spec whereas the Paladin and Monk have melee specs instead.

This is a fair point. I just imagine pure classes are easier.

To be fair, I think Shadow Priest is the only big problem spec, and a lot of it has to do with how their tree is laid out. The general priest tree and both healers have a lot of interesting things going on. But shadow can barely engage with the healing side of the tree.

Feels like it’s more of a problem of having 2 healers on a class than anything else. Healers and DPS don’t have much crossover. Tank and DPS does.

I’m curious to see how the monk tree turns out - my initial feeling is that the brewmasters will come out loving it, and mistweavers not liking it much.


I honestly think the Priest and Demon Hunter will be the more challenging Talent trees to work on (not counting Evoker) and here’s why.

  • Priest
    • The Priest has 2 healing specializations and as such Blizzard are tasked to create 2 independent Spec talent trees that are both unique but also share some similar “baseline” aspects like our heals and buffs.
    • But the Priest also has its Shadow spec that basically has almost nothing in common with the other 2. Even before the Voidform redesign (which made matters worse imo) we had Shadowform which denied the use of Holy spells. So, we had to make a choice to either use Shadow and it being buffed or use Holy and loose some power in shadow. What this does is creates a wedge / conflict in the class identiy and “shared” abilities.
    • As time went on, this conflict / wedge kept growing wider and wider and now with this whole Old God / Void nonsensical noise flooding shadow… there is almost no shared abilities that the other 2 specs use when compared to Shadow. Shadow has become alienated from the other 2 specs because it has become…. Well “Alien” in terms of what it does and how it does it.
  • Demon Hunter
    • With Demon Hunter making its debut in Legion alongside the Artifact system, much of Demon Hunters “Identity” is attached to the Artifact. Meaning there is not much history / years of Demon Hunter build up in terms of game mechanics and interactions. So there is a very little amount to pull from while keeping the class/spec similar to how everyone knows it.
    • In addition, the Havoc and Vengeance spec play so vastly differently compared to each other. Only recently did they have more and more shared / cross over similar abilities. But in Legion, the only real same thing was Throw Glaive as everything else was completely different, even the mobility ability… one shot you forward and you had to position yourself correctly in order to not overshoot your target while the other made you jump and you can pick exactly where you wanted to land.
    • So now Blizzard will be tasked to create and “shared” class tree for a class that has very few abilities (at least for Havoc) and not only that, they need to still have unique trees and have over 31 points and most likely around 40-45ish points in each tree since you are not supposed to pick up every point unlike the Legion Artifacts.

So in conclusion, I think we have seen 1 of the 2 most complicated talent trees. The Demon Hunter will be the next complicated to debut and I believe the rest will be very similar to the Hunter and Rogue in having a lot of cross over and history to play with which will make it a much easier talent trees to create.


Disc tree, apart from a few cool choices, is absolute trash. Terrible layout and about 75% of the talents are dead.

I actually like it. I think its a really cool notion that in all three we can opt to lend toward what magic we want.

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They should have given us an option to opt out of atonement. So tired of this terrible mechanic that they can’t balance.


options are nice yea. that could always be added later too.

I’m in the pool that feels disc is super wonky right now so i’m excited to return to it come DF. its always been my favorite healing spec in the game.


You are absolutely wrong.

Disc came out in a pretty incredible spot talent-wise.


Theres like 3 new ways to play disc now! I’m totally content with the new disc tree, minus maybe one or two mostly throw away talents blocking great ones. They may have even fixed atonement healing via the shadow damage route, or spec into smite so you can literally spam 1 until your fingers fall off. Lots of burst windows, and you can even go heavy shield spam and targeted heals without ooming, since we have multiple ways to regen mana now.

I play all healer. And so far for Resto druid its quite simple tte tree. Even for DK /Hunter/Rogue the tree is fine its around 45-49 choices to pick While Disc/Shadow have 53-55 and most of their tier is between 5-6 choice unlike most who are between 3-4 with few choices of 5-6.

Disc and Shadow have way too much choices right now and some of them need tweak.

As for Holy its number of choice is between the margin but its issue is most/all its bubble are boring choice with no special build who only lead to Holy Word play.

But they also limited most of the effect to only Flash heal/Heal (Resonant word exemple)

Or they didnt added an effect to Divine word for player who pick HW : Salvation/Life

For holy the tweak it need is to add stuff while Shadow/Disc is to reduce stuff

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I think it’s okay to make DF talents (at least from classes that have had ease or have fewer buttons) have more difficulty (or at least not an easy branch of talents to create) since at least, it won’t feel very boring (still possibly a bit frustrating but eventually we’ll all adjust)

The priest tree is better than hunter’s IMO. Survival’s is kinda a travesty.
I don’t think any class/spec revealed is as good as rogue’s is ATM.

Rogues for sure got it best, but hunters got it just as good. I am not sure what you are saying. Like honestly it’s insane how well done it is compared to SP. Makes SP feel worse than it already does.

All of the shadow priest core abilities are slapped in the spec tree instead of class tree-like hunters and rogues.
We are forced to get talents that we don’t care about – like Mind sear just so we can obtain important core abilities that should have been either BASELINE or on the CLASS spec tree.
Just like how they allowed holy to have opportunities to use shadow abilities. The shadow should have that same opportunity and gain some Holy abilities.

We have been forced down one path as we transverse the tree and at the same time locked away from other pathways as we do this.
The bottom part of the shadow just gets worse. The last tier of the tree is SO BUSY, so flooded, and not everything in there is good to begin with.
The first part is also extremely flooded with CORE TOOLS that we Drastically require.
the class tree doesn’t really do justice for shadow as a whole. It ignores the spec completely. IT feels like Holy got most of the attention, Disc second, Shadow Last.
it’s so bad.

example build from me: PVP

My Shadow PvP spec for comparison:


–Two talents for Dispersion. Two for a nerfed version of Vampiric embrace.
Devour Plague is Isolated for some reason, while Mind sear is a forced mandatory selection to get a silence spell and two Dispersion talents =/.

The only good thing that came from this is the ability to COMPLETELY ignore Voidform IF my mind blast build becomes decent. It all depends if it procs ofthen.

Reposting links:


To be honest, I expected the SP and the Feral druid to give more attention… but apparently blizzard doesn’t want that (or at least it shows that they have made the Hpriest have prominence again… poor Disc priest :S)

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To be honest. I wanted REWORKS Badly for all classes. Some more than others.

Priest in general need to be relooked at from top to bottom IMO.
Like, why are we still wasting talent and spell space for spells like SURRENDER TO MADNESS.


Which pathway is this? cause i disagree. I found all of the pathways to be interesting enough that I wouldn’t mind going down them depending on my mood. I have two that I will probably main

cant access your builds. when I click link it takes me to my own stuff in the calculator?

Yea, i’m already planning on forgoing Shadowform myself. Ill also be avoiding Voidform like the plague too lol.