Please reexamine AR unlocks and Faction Changes

I have a feeling they have already looked into it and decided where the revenue is at. Either way, the people you are trying to appeal to don’t look at the forums.

Maybe. And maybe they have looked into it, too. But, as they say, the only stupid question is the one you don’t ask.

I only do Low level pvp (sub 80). The AR racials in low lvl pvp are extremely OP. Especially the Last stand ones for casters against Rouges. So yes they do make a massive difference.

I’m gonna quote you and say something you’re not gonna like.

None of this means anything. The only PvP which must be balanced is top level competitive arena at max level of a given expansion. That is where the esports are, that is where PvP in WoW is balanced / adjusted, and has always been balanced / adjusted. Capped level 3v3 is the only thing that matters. Not low level PvP. Because everything is busted in lower levels in some form or another at some bracket.

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I’m gonna be a bit humorously nitpicky here and edit this quote.

Go forth, it’s valid. Hell, in BFA they didn’t even attempt it, they just neglected it for a year.

I’m just curious about two things, maybe OP or someone else can clear them up?
1 - Why would you ever want them to sell us more content in a game that has a monthly sub and box costs already?
2 - If you aren’t playing a faction already, why would you care about unlocking the AR for that faction to the point you feel the need to faction change just to unlock an AR faster?

Also with Shadowlands and the leveling changes coming for 9.0 unlocking AR’s is likely to get a lot easier since you will likely only need level 50 and the BFA rep will probably be doubled like they did for Legion reps.
If anything I would propose they lower the rep requirements to revered, since you get there or pretty close just questing through the zones.

I’m sure truer words have probably been spoken, but for the moment none are coming to mind.

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Funny you should mention this, as I just did it with my Shaman.

I don’t. Option A is not my preferred option, but it allows a continuing revenue stream should that be the priority for Blizzard.

That is a damn good question that I sadly do not have a good answer to. While I’ve seen that people are faction changing to unlock ARs, I haven’t done it myself and since no amount of Alliance AR unlocks would make me want to play Alliance long-term, I don’t truly understand the reason people are doing it. All I can tell you is that it is happening.

I meant to ask this of the other person who said they recently did this in this thread, so I’ll ask you instead, if that’s okay.

If there was an alternative to faction changing that accomplished the same goal at a similar cost, would you have done that instead?

Additionally, do you have any intention to continue playing the character you faction changed after unlocking your desired ARs? If so, do you plan to faction change it back?

Oh yeah lets just screw new players over even more than they already are… that won’t hurt the game in any way /sarc

It is that attitude that is killing wow and has killed many other games.

It’s not about screwing new players. New players will level to max as well.

A new player knows nothing about PvP. You’re sitting here trying to advocate for it as a means of demanding some kind of balance, as if it has its own bracket in a competitive world with legitimate rewards. It doesn’t have that. It never will.

A new player isn’t going to twink at 80, or do sub-80 PvP and think: “This is everything” and then somehow demand the game be adjusted for them. A new player who wants to PvP for legitimate rewards will fly by those levels, go do max level PvP, and learn how to actually PvP.

Not to mention, this is a discussion about AR’s. New players aren’t going to be negatively impacted because someone unlocked mechagnomes for the whole 15 minutes they’re trying a bg sub-80. It’s not going to ruin the game for them. Let’s be a little bit more realistic.

Please refrain from having an argument about the validity and/or need for your preferred playstyle in a thread not related to it. If you want to insist that low-level PvP should be balanced properly, I would ask that you order those thoughts and make a thread on the subject rather than using mine for that purpose.

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Or they could unlock them normally… you know by playing the expansions from the beginning for a month or 2.

In otherwords its the players fault

They could, yes. Arguably, they should.

Nonetheless, they are not, hence this thread pointing out that Faction Changes are being used for that purpose and suggesting that either using them for that purpose should be curtailed either through restriction or through derestriction.

I hope that helps explain the purpose of the thread more clearly.

That’s not how blizzard game design works sweet summer child

They still have to go out and do a quest chain, hardly seems worth it.

Never said I understood why they choose to do it. I only know that they’re doing it.

To be honest, I was in the process of switching most of my toons to Alliance regardless.
However, I was planning to do it to run through the intro zones for the Reputation regardless, and switch back.
If they had offered something akin to a paid reputation boost, or anything that essentially accomplished that goal the same way, at lesser or equal price, I would have done that first, and sooner than I already have.

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