Please reconsider your stance on retail/classic reward linking

Ok, so I got ashcandy for my classic hunter, I’m not going to leave classic just because I got it, heck no, I’m gonna continue playing because I know the people and enjoy playing with them. There’s those that straight up don’t give a flying fudge about it.
What’s your real excuse?

That’s also why I said world phasing/Time walking. It can be done. But regardless, it wouldn’t be the same experience for gaining something anyways.

… you can get ash candy in retail

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You are a troll

I was just throwing an item out there get over yourself.

What do you mean by this

The token would ruin the Classic economy, so it’s good that they’re only going to be available in the retail AH.

OP and everyone who agrees should just fork out the gold cap for swift zulian tiger - and then stop posting.

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class design for one.

Now you’ve gone into rampancy

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Just because you have more mana, doesn’t mean you have more intellect :slight_smile:

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The incentive to play classic is playing classic and it should stay that way


Talk about a potentially toxic environment.


IF they can only show it off in Classic? Sure.

If they can show it off on Retail? A lot of them will be gone in short order, the reason they were there was so they could enhance their bragging rights on retail.

In which case it’s an incentive program that be discussed when there are “only 10 people playing Classic WoW.” Until then, it is a topic which is not to be on the table. Because it is only likely to create a toxic and high-churn community if allowed to happen.

If there turns out to be no community to harm, maybe. Otherwise, its a giant freaking no go zone.

The market for Benediction grows exponentially if it becomes available for X-mog in Retail through Classic. It isn’t “a slightly increased risk” of people being jerkwads about certain items, it almost guarantees that there will no shortage of people who will be.

And you sir fail at understanding social dynamics. The reason Blizzard disallowed it was because of community impact from allowing it to be implemented. It isn’t about “earning it.” It is about how players will behave with respect to getting it and the social dynamics it creates.

Picking up loot purely for x-mog is not a dynamic that existed in Vanilla, and it creates real risks of creating very poisonous social dynamics simply being in play. Vanilla WoW was often dysfunctional enough without adding even more social dysfunction into the mix intentionally.


This is a very self serving post. As many others have indicated, this would be a kiss of death to the Classic community. Achievement and transmog hunting tryhards will come over, ninja roll on loot, and vanish - taking that item out of the community forever.


Classic is a game. Retail is a piece of Garbage.
People are excited about Classic. People are angry and bored of Retail.

This nonsense idea that Classic has to appeal to pet battle, transmog, LFR heros from Retail is absurd. This new “target audience” that Blizzard has been catering to does not represent the actual Wow playerbase.


I just want my panda cub. :frowning:

I don’t care if I have to waste an inventory space on the collar.

Is it even possible for an undead to be ‘Barbi Queen of the Prom?’

Sorry, but I’m not sorry for my stance on this, I would feel more satisfied for earning the stuff through legacy servers then running solo. You clearly do not see this as an issue for me, or others with this like minded goals. You just say, go play retail. That’s not what I want, or what other players want. You keep spewing community all the time and fail to see that you are fighting your own community over something that means nothing to you, but means a lot to others.

Yes, there’s project guilds out there, but it’s just not the same in my eyes.