Please reconsider your stance on retail/classic reward linking

Umm lets see.

  1. increase in ninja looting.
  2. increases player churn.

2 very big negatives.

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Did you not read what I said? You are going to have guilds offering FULL CLEARS. Actions will already be taken notices early on. Even later. Player accountability will be a thing not taken lightly. Do you think the whole server isn’t going to know about said person? Maybe a fresh person wont unless they pay attention to chat, which is something you aren’t doing really well at.

Why don’t you just petition Blizzard to re-add Classic items to retail? That seems like a much more productive approach to me.


Completely false… you don’t see someone in vanilla with benediction and say “that dude is a total bada**!

You see someone in retail with benediction and you say “oh wow he still plays that staff is bad.a** why would blizzard remove that from the game?”

Fully support this, why tf would you remove content from your game.

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Nice catch. I forgot about those. I was so envious when I saw priests with that. It looked way cooler than my mage weapons.

Ask on the retail forums about adding these items there. Leave classic alone.


Unless you can 100% guarantee this would have zero negative impact on the classic game and community it won’t get support. And you can’t do that because it will negatively impact us all. Stop lieing.

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Not quite so much today. Back in Vanilla, Anathema/Benediction was one of the best looking staves in the game. But since then, many staves with appearance at least as impressive have been added to the game.

It’s hilarious that this has come back up in the very thread where our old CM repeatedly told us that rewards linking wasn’t happening.


Yes but it wasn’t hard to get… the only reason people want it is because it’s unobtainable in retail. Visually the staff is one of the best looking in the game. Anthema and benediction.

And where’s your guarentee on your counter arguements? Most people have reserve lists anyways when they pick up people for raids anyways.

Like, come on bruh. You have no real counter argument.

Yes but if you played vanilla with the intention of matching armor and “looking cool” in most cases you will likely be complete garbage because of your gear

Yes. But see. Those people actually plan on sticking around.
People there for retail rewards? Aren’t.

Even blizzard admitted it would be terrible for classic.

Just because you want to handwave away tgr negative doesn’t mean crap.


That’s cute and all but denying that Classic could have more incentive for others to come play is silly.

For those that have already played Vanilla or those that where the gameplay is appealing to them, Classic will have intrinsic incentive.

For others, having the possibility of earning transmogs/mounts/etc on Retail will be a huge motivator.

It’s not like this is unprecedented in Retail either. Lots of rewards have been given out from Starcraft/HoTS/Overwatch/Diablo and collector’s edition for those games as well as the ZG mounts being literally conjured out of thin air and put on the BMAH to buy.

Adding some incentive for retail players to play Classic does nothing but GROW the community. If you argue with that, you are arguing against Classic and don’t belong here.

Again, did you not see what I said, for me as a player, classic is my MAIN game, and guess how I’m paying for my sub? retail gold, which is stupid easy to get.

You are literally not reading what is coming out of what I am typing, for me, as a player. We all know someone will abuse a system, we know this from both past experiences and present. No matter what someone would ninja something. It even happens TODAY even with personal loot. SO don’t give me that crap. about oh my god it’s gonna ruin classic, when it’s a minor factor.

Maybe for you it is. But what about retail joe who doesn’t care about classic but wants some of the skins?

Yeah. No. No linked rewards.

Ask for them to be in retail if you want them in retail.


I didn’t say that. It was Ythisens, echoing Blizzard’s stance on the matter.


So say that person is in line for that item in a collection guild then, so what? How would that effect you? it wouldn’t.