Please reconsider your stance on retail/classic reward linking

You never explained it. And the explanation you ‘sort of’ gave makes literally no sense at all.

I never explained something I never did? You’re absolutely right, I did not.

You: I won’t explain it again

Me: You never explained it

You: I never explained something I never did

What in the actual hell is wrong with your brain my dude.

How is this dumpster fire still going?


Don’t you get dizzy with all that twisting?

I said I wouldn’t explain how they were relevant again, because I already did it 3 times. I didn’t ‘explain’ how I want the games linked because I don’t want the games linked.

Once again, try to keep up, troll.

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This is because you responded to my reply to someone else’s question, something I already mentioned you doing in a previous reply. This is where it gets us.

What does this have to do with anything at all? So because I told you that you didn’t explain anything at all, you instantly assumed I meant something completely different and changed the subject completely because you weren’t directly talking to me from the start?

I don’t think social interactions are your strong suite. Maybe you shouldn’t leave the world of warcraft.

I’m thoroughly convinced you’re trolling at this point, that or you can’t see past your hate. Either way, you’re wasting my time.

I don’t think wasting your time is possible. And if you still don’t see the issue of your thought process I truly honestly feel sorry for you. No troll. Not just trying to be mean. I am being very sincere right now.

Someone throw this thread along with op in the dumpster

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But…then it’d be next to you when you sleep.

A trashcan is better than garbage spewed all over the place.

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This whole topic right now; pointless like the desires listed. Even after the blues gave the firmest answers possible.

I’m still waiting for Katerina to reply to Gratefultime’s novel of a ‘programmer’ post. :popcorn:

I’ll take it a step further. Vanilla shouldn’t be linked with Classic either. If you have geared aquired from Vanilla, the people who got it in Classic shouldn’t be able to replicate that. Want that tier 3? Well, distinguish it from those who got it in Classic vs the grind that was Vanilla.


Thanks to blue posts here reviving my confidence in bringing back an authentic classic wow experience for those who enjoy it, and understanding that classic is for a particular audience.

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It will be distinguished by the fact that the Classic version will only ever appear in Classic :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


I think having shared rewards in the sense that stuff you get in classic is mirrored in obviously a bad idea, but maybe things like a title, mog item, or tabard unique to retail for something just like hitting 60 could be acceptable.

Nah. The only reason you should need to play classic is a desire to play classic.


Nope. Count your blessings that you are getting classic at no additional charge. Playing classic is reward enough.

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