Please re-roll Alliance

But what I’m saying is you can’t balance servers because players don’t actually want balanced servers.

That’s an assertion you’re making based upon your perceptions. I’d say the majority wants a balance because it provides a faster flow BGs and a better world PvP experience.

This really is only an issue on PvP servers, which are horde dominated.

It also applies to PvE servers where the dominant faction unable to get queues against the opposing faction. It’s the same situation in reverse.

It’s impossible to actually balance without forced faction changes. Imagine logging in one day to find your Hunter is now a Troll on a different server. Are you gunna be ok with that? Also there are no paid faction changes so idk why people talk like there are.

You give boons for people to faction change, reroll, etc. You don’t purely rely upon a $$ Xfer/faction change and nor should you destroy a server community because of imbalances by implementing Cross Realm. If the underlying problems are racial traits make changes to fix it.

Whatever the problem that is preventing players from making that choice to be an underdog faction make corrections to it. The game is already off the rails as to what is considered WoW Vanilla release history.

I don’t want this but mercenary mode would likely fix the queue time issue.

I respectfully disagree. Most PvP servers had Horde only transfers to keep balance from getting worse. It didn’t do anything because Horde didn’t want to leave, and why would they. The dominated almost every PvP server. The unplayable state of the world on many of these servers caused a lot of the now stuck Alliance players to quit or take a break making the problem even worse.

As for queues it has no effect because of CRBG’s the only way to fix that is open up Horde only faction changes. As Alliance there’s nothing we can do to fix the issue. It relies on Horde willingly rerolling and throwing away 3 months of progress. GL convincing large enough numbers of them to do that.

The paid transfer is just a way to allow Alliance stuck on grossly imbalanced servers to actually leave because they weren’t allowed to during free migrations. Balance on PvP servers is dead, and has been for a long time. There’s no bringing it back.

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Nah I think I’ll roll a horde alt to 50ish then q for AV and basically afk every game instead.

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100% no. Horde made this mess, now they can wait. It’s the price you pay for picking the dominant faction.


idk whats up with the mercenary mode. this is classic not retail. idk if ppl really remember what classic is like but its a phenomenal game imo. ive been playing classic off and on for the past 3 yrs and enjoy the hell out of it. yea its a grindy game with a lot of imbalance and imperfections but thats what makes it so raw and original

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Isn’t that problem in of itself that they’re unwilling to have a balanced server? What’s the reason? Is it community, racials, classes, quests/content, etc? You’d have to create a poll to figure that out as to why they play Horde. There were a number of Xfers to my server and it’s almost balanced now. Onto the point of Alliance quitting or taking a break that could be resolved with making changes to the game. There are a number of options on the table that are currently in retail.

That’s why you build incentives for players to play on an imbalanced server. CRBGs isn’t the answer. It was a compromise at best and a exploitative behavior to the userbase at worst. Is your Battlegroup too harsh? Is your server dead? Well deal with random people with zero accountability. Still want to PvE? Well we opened up Xfers now so you can PAY us even more to play the game.

There are ways to bring back balance. Sitting on your hands doesn’t resolve it.

No thanks. Why would I play alliance?

There’s no shamans, no tauren. The races are all super boring and basic fantasy esque. It’s the most vanilla of vanilla fantasy. Humans dwarves elves and gnomes? what is this early D&D?

there is zero reason to play alliance for me.

What a great argument.

we dont need any horde players coming over, unless they are willing to live in the barn with all the other animals ready for slaughter.

Seems like someone is a bit salty.

any horde player coming over would only be the weaker playing scrubs who would dilute our ranks.
Nah, stay horde and enjoy your long queue and camping BRD.

Don’t bother arguing with that guy. He claims to speak on behalf of everyone on the server. He seems to know what everyone does and what everyone wants. He is all knowing. He will start calling you names when he can’t win the argument anyway.

30 mins? You’re too nice. I hope they go up to an hour and when the queue pops their muffin top of a wife makes them get off the computer to watch will and grace.

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i co-sign this. anyone that rolled ally for EMFH back in its day is obliged to play alliance

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This wont happen. Alliance has 3/4 awful races (dwarves are cool) and is basically the faction for people who want to play night elves with “moon” shoehorned somewhere into their name.

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Human laugh is the most demeaning sound when you’re getting ganked therefore human = good

Nobody plays alliance except the French and 12 year old.

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I like both factions but prefer horde a bit more. I rerolled an alliance warrior some weeks ago mainly for the short bg queues and hpals when I premade. Solo queuing is horrendous.

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