Please re-roll Alliance

I am taking one for the team! After seeing horde turtle AV once again today, I snapped. I’m leveling a horde now just to play AV all day long. Not only will I be in your queues all day long, I will also go afk during the actual battles.


I’d consider it if I was offered a free faction change.

take your own advice.

alli op. i have a horde main been playing horde all my life but had to reroll h pali. alli is so strong with pali’s and heals in bg’s. seems everywhere ive played most horde (like me) love to go squishy dps so idk. both are op but i prefer alli b/c of paladins


I cant do this…

It’s that evil instaqueue. Curses, foiled again!


You should reroll alliance imo.

Just wait for burning crusade so everyone becomes blood elves.


This is glorious. I love be seeing all the horde with their “PvP happened on a PvP server”, “go back to retail”, “reroll PvE scrub”, “you signed up to be corpse camped for hours when you chose alliance on a PvP server” people now complaining about queues. You all deserve every bit of it.

I also find it funny that the people who were most vocal about everything being fine/as intended in phase 2 are now demanding mercenary mode to reduce queue times. The shoe is on the other foot. Just remember you brought this on yourself.


I’ve a solution that’s much easier and doesn’t require you to reroll Alliance: delete half of all Horde toons.

Easy peasy.

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Compelling argument. (NOT)

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you forgot the “this will be random” part of the solution.

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Pay Blizzard for faster queues because they’re incompetent or exploitative to their users. Rather than fixing the problem with incentives, faction locking, free Xfers to balance, etc they’d rather have the user pay them to bring balance.

Which we all know balance isn’t going to be achieved because I doubt 10%+ of the Horde playerbase is going to up and reroll/faction change/xfer.

Even Stevie Wonder could have seen this coming. I played Horde from MoP through Legion but rolled Alliance for Classic so I would have instant queues and more targets to gank out in the world. I don’t regret it at all, even though Phase 2 was extremely rough before BGs came out. Plenty of Alliance did quit though, and I’m not sure they will be coming back. Horde have only themselves to blame.


The reason it won’t work is because PvP servers as a whole are heavily horde favored. It’s not possible to balance all of them, because there’s just not enough alliance. There also won’t be a faction change, or PvE to PvP transfers. So this is just to let outnumbered alliance escape instead of quit. There’s no saving balance on pvp servers because it never existed in the first place.

Oh, no, not random. we start with the level 60s and work our way down. I figure we’ll end up with a half million lvl 1 bank alts.


**there ARE too many horde.
I got ya, buddy!

One day…but no shaman. And i love looking at vanilla trolls.

no, every mouthbreather who needs training wheels should stay horde
get those queue times up to 30 min by january