Please RE-Merge OCE+US

Blizz please do this, I didn’t play S2 at all because queue times were so horrible. It’d be nice to get some PVP games in again.

You realize theres OCE players still playing now who got rank 1 back when all servers were US servers and rank 1 actually meant literally rank 1 yeah?

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Didn’t they already try this to immense backlash from the oceanic community?

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We’re now in season 3. It’s not going to happen. Transfer to US and have the time of your lives over there for two more seasons if you wish. If you haven’t transferred there by now you haven’t set yourselves up for success.

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I transferred. The ping is pretty crappy and during our peak hour it isn’t as active, but it’s still more active than OCE servers at 5 AM ST on Whitemane. Crazy

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This man speaks the truth

Did you read the OP? Obviously not.

Have you lost your mind… Why would you want 250ms lag. Also Australia ISNT THE ONLY COUNTRY that uses the Oceanic servers…

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Yep because its a bad idea…

because our player population cant sustain itself in arena

Is it combined with the 4 pvp realms and 1 pve realm?

Very constructive post, thank you.

Obvious troll here…

This is a great idea. The people who screamed the loudest to demerge have got their titles now so it would be great to let the rest of us be able to play games outside of peak hours on Tuesday !

Would be great for our PvP scene :]

No not trolling… I dont do arena so I was wondering if its the same as battlegrounds.
IF they are combined, AND people still cant que for them. Then most likely its simply because people dont want anything to do with that hot garbage. IF are not combined, then Blizz should combine them. But again, if they are combined and more then 10k level 70 players dont want to do Arena, then its because it is again, just hot garbage. If arena is your pie in the sky, why not just go play retail???

Most people playing TBCC is here for the raiding/dungeon content. Not PvP content which really hasnt changed much in 15+ years.

You realize that the people getting r1 on OCE are getting r1 on US as well whether it be retail or tbc.
And your wrong. Oce has a higher standard than US but you seem to know with your all time highest at 1900.

Cry for a change. Cry to change it back. Re-cry for the change.

Give me a break.

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It’s almost like OCE is made up of many thousands of individuals with independent thought… There may even be some like me, who thought we could sustain our own arena ladder only to realise I was wrong and now have changed my mind. This may be a lot for you to grasp, I know…

Great news about the mark changes today, would be nice to refund marks for those that have already bought s3 offpieces but I wont go into it since there is already on thread on this…
However, most of these changes bring increased honor gain through A, doing the daily bg, B, handing in marks, and C, increased mark hand ins via reduction in mark cost for s3 honor pieces.

So the glaring problem for OCE is still the fact that you can only Queue AV once a rotation on AV weekend. Meaning if we get AV daily outside of this weekend its a dud because its not doable, and if you ever miss an AV weekend due to rl commitments you wont be able to hand in your other marks to benefit from the new increase in honor and are stuffed for the entire month, stuck with gaining 1000-1500honor an hour in eots for the rest of the month.

If they dont want to merge OCE and US for bgs again after the backlash, something they could do for OCE is,

  1. Remove AV daily outside of AV weekend
  2. Bring back single BG mark turn ins for WSG, EOTS, AB
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12 minutes into an ‘unavailable’ 3v3 queue on a Friday afternoon, this is insane man

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