Please pay respects for Garrosh

Exactly. A character who sticks to his motivations (no matter how delusional) and is transparent about what they want and why they are doing what they want is a textbook good villain. It’s why people loved thanos even tho his plan was objectively stupid.

The jailer should have been trying to destroy the shadowlands to redirect souls to true afterlife because he found out this place was created by some other entity for some reason. Would have been way better.

Even the in-game characters don’t have to know, but we as the PLAYERS should know why he is doing what he is.

My dude I was talking about my own character

oops i replied to the wrong guy tbh meant to tag Valynx

Garrosh did nothing wrong. Lok’tar O’gar to the greatest warchief that ever lived.


No prob

It’s the piss poor writing… these characters plus a decent set of writers, SL could have been great! But you’re probably right… the writers wouldn’t have done them justice… but they did beat up on the best characters they had available… Uther was meh at best. Sylvanas has been going down hill since BFA. Arthas and Garrosh they butchered… so yea. Good point. Lol.

Yea, we never got to see him. After reading the book, he was a lot more likeable.

Oh and what about Terenas and Lothar… we could have seen them… these blasted terrible writers.


Look back,Garrosh would have been a great leader if he didn’t become a mad man but that just shows how bad power can affect a person over time. Kind of reflective of our world in that regard.

If I were a warrior yes he earned that respect.

I loved it. The afterlife and Shadowlands theme was a larger than life theme, with a battle raging in the heavens, angels falling from grace left and right (Bastion and the Kyrian), lost souls grappling with their past sins, vampires that outlive average beings playing executioner, judge and jury, living out a hedonistic, decadent life and forgetting what they were initially about, wasting resources and falling into sin and temptation themselves, delving deeper and deeper into darkness and vice.

I feel like the Shadowlands story (in general, in the main SL zones with questing) was such a beautiful, grand story that was wasted on the average player who wanted the story to (symbolically) be more like dinosaur chicken nuggets than the beautiful and dainty caviar canapes that it actually is.

I don’t care much for the raiding storyline but the questing story in each SL zone was nothing short of grand and magnificent. A lot of the symbolism and emotions (especially of the lost wondering souls) really hit home and resonated with me on such a deep level.

I really do feel like it was wasted on the average player though who just skims through the story and just zergs through everything to just get to end-game. A lot of people just don’t get it.

Props to whoever wrote it though. I may not have liked some things about the main raiding story and lore (the raid bosses’ storylines in Sepulcher and Sanctum and what not) but the zones and questing storytelling was beautiful, poetic and really struck a chord with me as I was questing.

I know it might be a hot take but that’s just my two cents.

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Don’ts ya worry, they threw away his character whens they realized they had no actual final boss for MoP. He has all the best scenes in Cataclysm ands it’s a shame instead of fleshing him out further, they insteads make him eat an Old God’s heart and bams, final boss.

(By the way, Garrosh was VERY anti-Fel and corruption in general, and given theirs history that’s pretty understandable, so the Old God decision is alls the more confusin’ to me)

The facts that the Garrosh scene in Shadowlands is one of the bestest things, and it’s a minute long in-game graphic cutscene…I thinks speaks volumes on how great the character would’va been if he wasn’t rushed to final boss territories.

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Nah. He got to go out like a boss. The person who got screwed? Arthas.

I love people who are fans of Ol’ Garry.

The Horde is about teamwork among the various races, following honor and the true warrior’s spirit.

But Garry tried to genocide everyone, enslaved those who didn’t think he was honorable, and caused a major divide in the Horde.

And people LIKE him, what’s next, gonna say Sylvanas didn’t deserve her punishment?


If anything I feel like MoP just kinda villain batted poor old Garrosh, he has multiple instances throughout Cataclysm of honorable noble behavior (opposing Sylvanas in her use of blight and questionable methods while conquering Gilneas, executing a second in command for accidentally blowing up a neutral civilian Druid barrow, etc) and then the next expansion he’s blowing up Theramore with a WMD and “painting Pandaria red!”

… just feels VERY out of character with what came before it.

Same with Sylvanas, we have entire expansions worth of her abandoning allies, using beyond questionable methods of warfare, and treating others generally like disposable garbage (even before she was undead when she describes her soldiers as “arrows in a quiver to be used”)… but for some reason out of the blue around 9.1 she starts feeling “sympathy” and empathy for other people… why?

Characters in a good well written medium are CONSISTENT with themselves, character growth doesn’t happen overnight and these switch flips just go to show how little the writers understand.

To be fairs, it didn’t start that way! That whole arc was kinda rushed to make him the big bad at MoP. Pre-MoP yous can say the worst he did was bomb Theramore but yous can at least argue it’s a military decisions: They’re a hop and skips away from the Barrens. He does go off on (and then execute) one of his sergeants for bombing a location full of nothing but innocents in Stonetalons Mountains.

The whole decision to grab the Heart ands exile anything not Orc just kinda…happens. At leasts I don’t remember too much buildups for it.

Sylvanas, though…Well she’s been doin’ shady stuff startin’ from Wrathgate and just goin’ on from there. She’s lost her ‘good’ sides long ago. I don’t thinks you can really compare the twos of 'em.

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At least she understands what she did was horrendous and actually agreed to a meted out justice instead of giving her an out of everyone forgiving her.

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True, but that was with her restored soul, she doesn’t even have that prior to 9.1, which is why her conduct with Anduin is just… puzzling?

Then again the writers have mentioned they loved GoT season 8, so that explains a lot.

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I agree was weird, but hey good to see someone having a healthy debate instead of shrieking anecdotes to me.

Moon Guard always has a way to either squeeze in pedantic, political, and/or annoying hot points, I usually have my popcorn ready XD


My regret for Garrosh is how badly the devs and writers screwed up his storyline. They admitted they didn’t check the lore, and took what was a growth progression into an honorable Orcish leader and turned him into a mustache twirling villain.

It was stupid and a betrayal of Grom’s sacrifice and lessons from WC3. Doubly so when they turned right around and did the exact SAME flipping story with Sylvanas again to betray the Horde.

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What’s really funny is when you consider they pulled a reverse Garrosh with Grommash in WoD (warlording tyrant suddenly turns benevolent savior) an expansion later while also continuing the Garrosh villain batting… maybe switch around Garrosh and Grommash in that expansion and it actually kinda makes sense…

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All the cool stuff from wow for the first decade and half has to be erased and replaced. Times are changing and if you don’t like it well then you’re a bigot.

I liked Garrosh as a villain, but if you actually analyze his decisions, he’s a pretty awful leader given how he destabilized the Horde from the very get go by inadvertently getting Cairne killed, and discriminating against the Trolls.

It’s reminiscent of some young kid who thinks he can claim everything without question and the people around him hope it’s just a phase but then he keeps running his head into a wall, making the situation worse, and blames his father figure instead of taking ownership of his own failings.

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