Please no ICC buff for at least 3 months

in a 15 year old remake designed for people to experience the content

good god did you not grow up in those 15 years? this is a video game, people who tie their self-worth to some arbitrary walls in a video game are some of the saddest low self-esteem people I could imagine.

It is a video game, people are 30 with mortgages and kids, it is desgined to revisit content people didnt get to see first time around

nobody cares how good you are at wow, call your mom and tell her if you’re looking for someone to pat you on the back, otherwise take a reality check and realize this is a video game, designed for fun, maybe try having some. And if you’re idea of fun is “me having things” and others not, then you need to reevaluate your life.

nobody cares how good you are at wrath classic


Eh HLK should remain challenging as normal is relatively doable. The mechanics for H aren’t much harder just bigger #s all around. People getting 277 gear combined with the buff rolling out will make the boss readily available to a lot of players

H in our current gear just means zero mistake or wipe once the buff rolls in you’ll be able to fail a mechanic and keep going just due to the increased health pool

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Even with the 30% buff not everyone is going to kill HCLK.


Agree. The only people that want this buff are boomer gdkp swipers that want easy gear.

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You sound like a libcuck

Buff is coming, like it or not. We have another 6 weeks without it at most.

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Who cares, Shadowmourne is replaced by a damned level 78 axe in Cataclysm.

Bro this is like the entire conservative movement.

You can’t just ask people to stop trying to dictate how others live their lives. That’s like their whole deal.

You sound illiterate

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But I don’t want to play Cata! :sob:

well said.

on a side note i feel bad for the family of the OP, they must be super sad because he’s Dumb & selfish.

Me neither, but the gear argument is silly cause it has no lasting purpose at all :stuck_out_tongue:

Trial is a 30 minute raid and I was playing 6 alts. Ulduar and ICC take way more time, so I don’t play 6 alts anymore.

if there were no gatekeeping and everyone could obtain all the gear nobody would be playing the game in the first place. You don’t understand the long term consequences of your self-cannabalizing argument. But if you’re poor/don’t have loot you’re already being eaten so its not a self-cannabalizing argument right? It only seems right to you, its not right in reality.

Only people who enjoy playing the game would be playing, and not people who enjoy pay2win.


i agree but in original wrath the majority of the community wasnt massively P2W, it existed but not to the extent it does currently, the allure of treasure hunting and overcoming challenges is what originally brought people to classic wow, and if that didnt exist and challenges done better than any other mmo at the time people would not have played.

Okay, so when it’s out, turn it off for your raid group. Do it without telling them, I’m sure they’d be thrilled.

I dunno if you know this but 25H ICC was completed fully in the first 90 minutes of when it was released. Perhaps some raid groups need the buff to aid in their progression?

So? Does it really matter? Are you worried they’re going to raid harder than you or something? Who cares? And what does that make you, for crying about them crying for it?


Not a single world first raider gives a flying damned what loot I get now or in 6 months.


Ok? That doesn’t make up for all those players. Only higher end players started running splits. I’m in 3 guilds and none of them started a second raid group for Trial, everyone just kept raid logging on their main. I’m not saying alt raiding didn’t help inflate those numbers, but I’d be surprised if it was by more than 10%. I can tell from your logs that you are ahead of the curve on the average player seeing as Saurfang only has a 17% Kill Rate.
Hard raids are good for a short window, but they kill player engagement quickly.

Gatekeepers on the other hand…just the thought of someone else getting something keeps them up at night.