Please! No extra gold for quest rewards!

Ummm you know that in no live build of Warcraft will level 30 grant extra gold, right? There is no world where in playable, subscribable WoW will you be able to farm 2g30s on quests at level 30, because the level cap is 60 >_> Just saying.

Since xp on pservers was buffed up, I think most people in classic will be out of quests to do before they reach lvl 60, unless the grind a few levels.

another thing to keep into consideration is that you WON’T have a bunch of extra quests on release.

Assuming they are progressing the quests, which they should since they said content would progress but systems won’t.

Then you’ll have just barely enough quests to hit 60, assuming you didn’t fall into the gap and ruin a bunch of them, unless you grind it out from 48+. And by then, you’ve already made enough money to just buy the mount from vendor trash.

Quests are finite, and while you will get a small influx of gold for whatever quests you’ve got left, it’s a tiny drop in the bucket that will quickly vanish under repair costs or proffing or buying BoE world drops you need.

You’ll end up with more as phase go on and more quests are added, but that’s just a little extra grinding saved to burn on consumables/repairs/respecs/whatever.

You could wait to do every quest level 50+ in the game until you hit level cap and the gold you got from the xp to gold conversion would still not be enough for your epic mount. The loremaster achievement for alliance before cataclysm was like 1200 in eastern kingdoms and 700 in kalimdor. There simply arent enough high xp quests in the game to get your epic mount