Please mesh XP on and XP off together again

No the funny thing was the two horde twinks who left the bg half way through, because they knew they were done. And also Juga I can’t do anything about the army of level 20’s being formed, I have to get on with it.

Also the twinks using the cough cough XP off NPC’s to enter xpon bgs, only Blizz can sort that out.

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I can 100% get how this bracket can be so bad like the 19s. It’s current xpac content so people stop at 119, get their neck ap up and azerite pieces. 19s and 29s are as imbalanced due to barely any class abilities/no mount at 19 so slower classes are atrocious. The only brackets who really got hurt were the handful between those, which is the majority.

Uh huh, funny you mention that AFTER I call out the two twinks you didn’t know you had…


I feel like you should be able to pvp xp off in the leveling battlegrounds if you aren’t going to be op. I mean, you would que xpoff bg, turn a stat template on, bam its fair and the ques are quick and you cant kill no one easily. You could also que xpoff, turn off your pvp templates, and the brackets wouldnt be merged and you would faceoff with other twinks. Seems reasonable to me.

Neither here nor there it’s a fact at the moment. Yeah I did not notice if I am being honest. Won’t stop me posting SS’s or Videos. I admit my mistakes unlike some on here.

Yea keep them coming.

Not going to lie, i am not so sure. Any twinking will help but as i don’t twink and am just using looms to level with i am not having a ton of problems against almost anyone. Damage all the way around is high.

Right now i am leveling 2 Rets, 2 DK’s (1 frost, 1 UH), 1 rogue and 1 DH and i have no problems in just looms on any of them…at least not like it was back in the day in 19s/29’s and my opinion 39’s as well but that is just me.

Of course i can see the appeal of being stronger and having more gear…just not sure how much it really changes things at 111+bracket.

That sounds a tad bit like… twinking…


Gets carried by Twinks, it is ok.
That Shaman you complained about was not ok.
Unaware of your surroundings inside a Battleground or Hypocrisy?

Which will it be?
Nice hashtag. :rofl:


We are few :cry:
We will not have EXPOFF in EXPON only for 5 twinks (PvP) in the whole post :joy:
the one who publishes it is no longer interested in anything :sob:

It sure is

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His other ones had at least one twink in there too. lol


:joy::joy: I saw the Druid in both. Hey if they don’t know they are there, it’s all good :+1:


Same as it ever was. Railing about opposing faction twinks while gleefully being carried by your team twinks has always been.


Just yesterday I got 2 rage whispers and 7 Wow thanks you were amazing in that BG whispers while I was leveling my hunter (Pretty much a twink, just not perfection because I’m leveling, level 77 currently) .

People always seem to focus on the negative aspects of twinking, rather than the fact that our team in the game where I got the whispers was facing 5 healers vs 0 on our team were all moping around in the beginning expecting to get rolled over turned into triumphant cheers as we 4 capped the enemy team as I sat at LM.

Nevermind the fact that there was an Alliance twink that nobody even noticed because I was killing them most of the game.


The negatives harshly outweigh the perceived positive of landslide gear disparities occasionally countering things like landslide healer disparities.

Twinks are not a productive solution to 0v5 healer BGs.

Folks around here will throw around the drastically higher queue times without twinks (kek) or say things like “But weren’t you absolutely thrilled when we carried you??” but the fact remains that we don’t really want you around in the absence of templates. Those that do are loosely limited to twinks themselves and a few, sparse others.

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Those are valid opinions, but they’re just yours. Some people just don’t like being beaten regardless of the reasons for it. Large gear discrepencies are Blizzard’s problem, but low level PVP specialization in a game like this should be a valid area of play.

If the majority of people who liked templates had their way, it would be in place at 120 as well, and we all know how horrible that was in Legion. This is a gear based PVP game.

Asking for templates is like asking for everyone to start at level 20 in a MOBA like HOTS, it goes against the entire philosophy of the game. Whether or not the philosophy is good for the health of the game is up to Blizzard to decide, and they have.

All I’m saying is Blizzard has NOT been on top of their game at preserving a healthy philosophy for the game as of late. IN MY OPINION.

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Gear still mattered with templates. Differences could go above 10% in some cases so the incentive was always there to get better gear.

But I’m not asking for templates back. I’m only saying that it’s not wise for twinks to be around without them.

For your area of play to become valid, you have to cheapen the leveling experience for the others you play with. That trade off is only desirable to twinks.

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Oh I know. I had a 16% bonus stat level 99 twink. Actually I had 12 99 twinks with that, but yeah.

Following that logic, its not wise for 410ilvl people to be around 340ilvl people (like my main, I’ve spent too much time on twinks rather than him :P)

For any area of PVP play to become valid, you have to ruin the PVP experience for the others you play against (aside from nearly perfectly balanced near wins which are fairly rare). If you are upset twinks are on your team, the only reason for that could be because you expect to be top damage and are being beaten, or they are just solo GY farming the enemy team, leaving nothing for you. That would be a significant balancing issue, not a twink issue. No twink should be capable of doing that (And we were doing that prior to separation and still today).

I’m sure that if battle pets somehow infringed upon others’ enjoyment of the game, and only a niche minority of players enjoyed battle pets in the first place, Blizzard would remove those too.

If we want twinks in with levelers, it needs to be done in a less obviously corrosive way. Templates is one example of an environment that’s relatively hospitable to both but there are others.

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Negative. What’s reasonable to expect of a player at endgame is drastically different than pre-endgame. I’ve touched on this too many times to repeat it here.

No, no. Someone has to win and someone has to lose, of course. Twinks aren’t disliked because they make their team lose more often than not- that would be absurd seeing as though both sides have an equal access to twinks. Twinks are disliked because they need to be avoided at all costs by the enemy and they do all the heavy lifting for their allies, undermining their contributions. This sort of thing is absolutely not a requirement.