Therein lies the problem with these ultra-low drop rate items.
If you get it really lucky early on: celebrate!
If you get it later on: “Thank god that’s over”.
Therein lies the problem with these ultra-low drop rate items.
If you get it really lucky early on: celebrate!
If you get it later on: “Thank god that’s over”.
Tell that to patch 9.1.5 on which Devs buffed drop rates for items related to Mecha done achievement, this came from nowhere, they mentioned this as a topic requested by players while we keep other worst drops and meta achievements in game.
Oh my goodness. Get off your horse and smell the roses.
That mentality of “I put in the work back in my day” just doesn’t work in today’s world. Chances are, those players are already long gone. Just like the majority of Scarab Lords and their sweet bug mounts.
why is this even a rule still? everyone and their mom breaks this one. I could see if you’re harrassing a particular dev but that ain’t the case.
Anyways, I think the drop rate should remain as is. It’s not unobtainable at the very least and is possible to get and isn’t restricted behind events or anything and the bmah is a thing. So I don’t see why we should up the drop rate.
Nah, don’t change the drop rate on the tusks. The rarity should remain extreme, so that whenever you see someone with these shoulders, you gasp a bit and inwardly cry a little bit.
But DO give us a freakin’ skip in SoO! Good lord man, for the love of all things worthy of loving, give us a skip!!
the long time it takes to get to garrosh is part of the grind my dwarven friend, if one wishes to use all 15 of their level 60 alts to farm every week, hours of torture they must go through to balance it out.
Your name is the grin I needed today but don’t deserve.
Isn’t that the entire point of this game? If rewards didn’t matter we would all be running around in a paper sack mog and riding a pinto on the alliance and brown wolf on the horde.
When did wanting to get a trophy make you a bad person?
The exact second not everybody got one, apparently.
Oh, silly Moderator.
If the game is a tad bit more reasonable with long-term rewards, OP wouldn’t have made this post.
There’s some weird stuff going on today. A ton of the Microsoft/WoW threads were moved to the Off-topic gaming forum, even those the topics discussed WoW directly. Even though moving threads isn’t disciplinary, it’s still weird the way it happened.
Some rules deserve to be broken!
You are aware of the infinite monkey theorem? Apply that to this situation, and then come to understand blizzard has been in an arms race of content reward loop design because more and more people somehow seemingly have a plethora of time to complete a task.
In that case, be the edge case person having the trophy accelerates the treadmill pushing everyone already behind even further back.
This is supported by landlords in major cities keeping apartments vacant for well over a year or more just holding out for a whale. And additionally, this is seen with mobile freemium game design. Make gameplay unfun but have the payout be worthit because one whale covers the costs of many people.
It’s why blizzard makes grinds that are unfun by the top, but they still do them anyways regardless of how soul-draining they are. All so that blizzard can slow-down people and keep them in a tight distribution. Which is substantiated by them having continuous gear resets for many years.
“Can’t get too far ahead too quickly otherwise you’ll mouth off on twitter about nothing to do (which happens regardless but would be greater without such gameplay compensations in place)”
And this is all juxtaposed by having catchup that undermines progression for people wanting to improve themselves but somehow are less skilled/time-strapped with life. Their progression is effectively undone as well by people who are effectively (even now) too aloof to understand having anything less than 200 ilvl gear on a 60 (because of crafting and easy korthia drops) means you are actively trolling your group. Blizzard then has to ensure these people don’t get lost or fall behind. And this again is supported by people feeling apathetic to the AP grinds, why do anything now, when you can wait a few weeks and spend less amount of time to get where you would have been if you tried to stay current?
So in short, people with excess time several deviations beyond normal play drives blizzard to make unfun gameplay for people wanting to keep a high XX% pace (not 100%) for those doing that. But then they are constantly driven to apathy/resentment when seeing their effort is undone because of catchup.
It’s like blizzard thinks just taking care of the extremes in terms of reward design somehow entails everyone in the middle is handled as well.
Its almost unobtainable if you only play 1 character, BMAH its not a good bad luck mechanic since it appears without a schedule and few items per day, also there’s boost communities selling items from BMAH. Items could be rare but they should be designed from a perspective for a player with 1 character to players with 50+.
That’s why some low drops just burn out the player and they give up and new player won’t find that actractive.
Also, there’s cases on which the devs increase rate on cosmetics items like Mecha Done achievement requirements, so they could provide a skip, increase drop or at least a better rotation on BMAH so the price could go lower and more people could try to buy it from there without using a boosting community.
I have them. No it doesn’t. I worked so I could have them, not so others can’t have them.
We should just put everything back into the game, including gladiator rewards from the past.
If no one is allowed to be a special snowflake then not even PvPers are untouchable. I want to buy an armored twilight drake with honor tokens, thanks.
Having drops at 1% or lower is just ridiculous unless they make something that is really some super ultra awesome legendary thing. But gotta love how people have come to justify these design choices.
Already is going that direction fortunately. The Elite S2/S3 bow from WoD was put on the Legion Timewalking vendor.
I think it’s silly it has such a low drop rate.
Even if I hated garrosh the shoulder piece is neat.
Yes, that was an interesting decision. Or probably just an oversight.