Please Make these Priorities

No. I said…

How about fixing literally anything else? How about fixing the MASSIVE amount of bugs in the game first? Go ahead and check the bug report forum it’s a disaster

Before even looking at these “priorities”

These are trash. And the game hardly works as it is right now there’s much more pressing problems to address lmao

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Fixing feign death would be a good start
https ://

In other words, the only suggestions I’ve made are actual bugs and not balance suggestions.

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Hunters (I’m not sure about Warlocks) are riddled with bugs. This has warranted two CM stickies. The most recent being FD, and what they’ve fixed and what they’re looking to fix next with it.

There are actual bugs with the classes that make them not authentic to Classic. Buffing classes willy nilly is not necessary.

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Bugs are handled generally by QA or their Dev Leads.
The majority of the dev team is generally not working on bugs.

For example, we have artists, content designers, system designers, server engineers, coders, UX designers, to name a few.

Generally bugs are handled by QA .

This is not always the case, but generally its passed on to them. For example if i was coding something new to the game and i came across bugs in my build, as a coder i’d fix it. however, this not always the case because some times bugs are “logic bugs” or bugs that do not have bad code in them, but may not behave as intended.

More on this point blizzard already has the fixes of these bugs and its just as simple as implementing it.

Class balance however is something very different. They are generally handled by Database engineers, at the instruction of the system designers (the guys who make up the things like professions, classes etc).

In short, your asking for heart surgery to be done on a brain surgeon.

It should be noted that some teams are different, and while i do not work at blizzard, i can say as someone who has worked for a few different larger gaming companies this is generally the way things are.

My two main bug threads. Each have at least 20 bugs per thread with more being added each day. If not in the OP, in the replied that I haven’t got around to adding to the OP

This threat is not about bugs. Please return to the topic, or I will flag accordingly.

Yes. Actual bugs and not balance suggestions.

Meanwhile the OP is saying things like…

Way ahead of you bud. I already flagged the thread for trolling because this thread is about nothing

We have a lot fewer of those on Classic. If they’re not actively working on either Classic+ or TBC, they really only have QA and system engineers and the like. No artists, no designers, nothing.

No they don’t. They specifically said they have no idea what is causing the bug with FD. They fixed one thing, but they can’t figure out what’s causing the other.

No one is going to bite. Almost no one is interested in class balance in Classic - Blizzard themselves said if you wanted class balance, play BfA. We want exactly what we got. I’m a Hunter, I scale very poorly and turn into a Tranq Shot bot, and that’s what I signed up for.

Just because you want to raid as an Elemental Shaman or Boomkin doesn’t mean Blizzard or any of us care.

Who is “we”?

Inaccurate, literally half of the population is calling for it.

Source it.

I Played druid in vanilla, however, i am not playing it now (at least not at the moment until my mage is leveled). My Shaman is my main (ironically this toon though forums do not reflect the level properly yet). My Shaman is an end-game tank.

Unlike a lot of you retail baddies running around spamming #nochange, completely ignorant of what has changed, and is going to be, i actually played classic and would like all specs to be viable.

The issue is you kids think that some how means making them all the same, which just shows your thinking ability (more specifically your lack there of).

On the topic of hunters, I have advocated for changes to their class to fix the scaling issues, just as i have advocated for cleave to be changed to hit multiple targets, and rogue improved poison talents to have chance on hit to apply to near by enemies.

My intent is to fix class issues, not shift the design system from RPS to Cyclical, like that route which was taken shortly after classic.

I’ve never seen so much double-speak cringe loaded into such a paradox before. Why would retail players be running around spamming #nochange?

I played Vanilla and would like things to remain the same.

Against all of that. I just want them to fix the bugs that doesn’t make them function they way they did in vanilla 1.12.


The players. We have far fewer devs because they don’t have to have artists, content designers, sound design, etc.

Claims need to be substantiated with evidence. The general response is, “no” from the player base.

The only chance class balancing has is if an overwhelming majority asks for it… and you’re in the far, far minority.

Oh… so that’s why you want Shaman to be retuned so they can DPS and tank better. They can sort of DPS in endgame content, they can’t tank - it was an abandoned design even in vanilla.

Wow, the condescension from you is palpable! I’m not a kid. I’m not a, “retail baddie”. I was there in vanilla. I know this isn’t 100% accurate, but throwing in class balance (that specifically benefit you for some reason) isn’t going to improve the game, it’ll hurt it. Everyone is different and changing something for no reason could very likely lead to the death of Classic.


You want changes - and that’s not the point of Classic.

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Stop replying to this troll.

Just read the OP. It’s obviously a troll report and move on

So then you are speaking out of your backside then.
You do not know what blizzard has or does not have, so dont speak about such things.

No its not, there are literally viral threads all over the forums attacking the #nochange topic. You are blinded to your own ignorance about change, in an emotional state arguing against it for litearlly no reason, only to learn that later it will be changed in that way at some point.

Literally, what you are doing is saying “no change” until blizzard changes it. Will your mantra stop the change? No. I promise you it has no impact on their choice, they will change it and frankly they probably dont care about your #nochance nonsense.

Do you even read?

Do you see here “We will never make changes”?

So they are listening to my positions, and will consider making changes.

Got it. You guys really are not good at this whole debate thing on the forums.

Let me spell it out to you clearly…

as a developer who has worked in the industry for almost two decades, i promise you the class changes will come, might not be this phase, and that is fine they are busy. But they will eventually come

Is that clear enough for you?

No game will ever sit stagnant and not acquire changes. It’s Like trying to say the sun will shine forever, just because it wont burn out in your life.

Sorry to break it to you, but it wont, and blizzard will make changes. Anyone who has half a brain can see they have Never stated directly "we will not make changes"

You children who are emotional stuck in ignorance are spouting this out because they said “We wont do it in 1.12” (obviously because they are busy).

You are overwhelming cringe and also wrong about everything.

Just remember me bro. Don’t forget me when those patch notes come, and when your telling yourself some excuse like “who cares because…”.

Oh God, not this guy again…

I particularly love the hypocrisy this time re: “hot-fixing” dungeon cool-downs. Nice touch.

I see them saying they have no plans to make changes, and that if you want modern class balance, to play BfA. Which is what I said they said.

If it comes, it comes - but it won’t be because of you so get your head out your rear. Nobody, especially not Blizzard, cares who you claim you are. And if you had any relevant experience you’d know just how dumb the changes you want are - especially dropping costs by such an absurd amount.

Now go get denied invites when you try and tank on your Shaman.

Not yours. Yours are laughable, out of left field, and inappropriate.

As this planet’s resident guardian alien for almost 63,580 years, I promise you this year will mark the beginning of the War of the Pineapple and that there will be no survivors.

I can say random things without backing it up too.

EDIT: Given your post has been flagged as trolling, it looks like the majority do not agree with you like you say…

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They did not say that. They said “We are have no plans in making changes in 1.12” That is not even remotely close to “we have no plans to making changes”.

You are trying to convince yourself of this, the rest of us can read.

They said “this patch, we will not make class changes”. ANY LITERALLY ANY human being with a brain says, “Ok, when will you” or “it will come later”.

Oh so now this is about what i want?

Oh my friend, if only you knew what i knew :wink:

Because you said so?

Cute troll, another flag for you.

Wait, your in my thread, off topic, and im the troll?

Got it!

Form this point on ill ignore you, because you and your positions are worthless.