Please give the Alliance a non-humany race

Problem is, everyone who designs for, and plays this game, is human.

And we naturally make things we’ve seen in our lives, hard to make something original that hasn’t been seen before. Like, all animal races are just animal + human.

All Horde races are human-y even if they aren’t titanforged races.

Every playable race is bipedal and likely always will be to fit in armor and whatnot.

I’d really love for some weirder races to play, but I just don’t think that’s ever gonna happen in WoW.

ALSO, a weird race will just get elf players upset or something like that- it has to be ‘pretty’ or ‘sexy’ and therefore has to have humanoid features.

Basically, a weirder race won’t sell.

Just look at how underplayed everything that isn’t an elf or human already is.

I’d love to play some sentient vapor or something.

Dang Alliance giving the orcs demon blood and summoning to Azeroth.

Personal Alliance Race Wishlist:

Jinyu: highly-evolved Murlocs who have lived in Pandaria and the Ankoan subspecies lives in the deep oceans fighting against the machinations of Queen Azshara. Bringing the Jinyu into the story carries the likelihood of the Hozen returning as a more active participant and playable race for the Horde.

Arakkoa: a race of bird-people native to Draenor and aside from the Draenei were the most technologically-advanced species of their planet who had been the ones to accidentally train Ogres how to use Magic. Due to previous animosity brought upon them by both The Shattered Hand and Bleeding Hollow Clans, they are highly unlikely to form any stable partnership with the Horde. Bringing the High Arakkoa from Alt. Draenor would open the proverbial door for High Exarch Yrel and The Lightbound to make their return to the story as Antagonists.

Nerubians: One of the few Aqir Races to claim lineage towards The Old Gods and their Black Empire, yet coincidentally are among the only Aqir subspecies to openly reject and defy worshipping their Creators. Has an ancient history dating back to 6000 years before the birth of the Kaldorei Empire and The Sundering. Has an open door policy for working alongside Titan-descended Races if it means the survival of their people. Due to The Azj’Kahet Storyline mainly involving key Alliance Lore Figures, Nerubians would be highly-unlikely to want to join the Horde.

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Could see the Arakkoa join up with the Alliance too in either form. (though again that one could easily be neutral as well.)

Doubtful of that: in both Timelines/Realities, the Arakkoa were brutalized by the Orcish/Iron Horde; namely by the Bleeding Hollow and Shattered Hand Clans. In The Second War, the Arakkoa had helped out Turalyon and Alleria in navigating the League of Arathor around Draenor, and in Battle for Azeroth; the Mag’har had essentially left them all alone on a planet now dominated by The Lightbound.

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Still don’t agree with that. I mean yes Blood elves have no love for the Alliance but I imagine they have less love for the Horde, even if it wasn’t the same Horde which burned their forests and killed their people. Realistically I imagine that’d matter little to them. Oh well, desperate times I guess.

Gul’dan… gave the orcs demon blood, at the order of Kil’jaeden.

Medivh, while possessed by Sargeras, did help bring the Orcs to Azeroth though I suppose.

My thoughts more that its likely that the Arrakoa of our timeline could go either way. Shattered as they are they have few reasons to hold to old hatreds if it means surviving.

The Arakkoa of the Alternate I could easily see actually choose the Horde over the Alliance in a bid to retake their world from the Lightbound, left behind or not. That said I also don’t see why they couldn’t go for the Alliance either for the reasons you outlined.


Alliance should have gotten Vulpera, but in the great story writing out of leftfield, the Alliance decided it was better to kill them all.

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what do you mean by “Non-humany”?

Humanoid shape but without bare skin? (Murloc, gnoll, sethrak, arrakoa)

Not even humanoid? - (Draconid, Naga, Nerubian, the cat-taur people from Ulduar)

That’s what I’m saying, the Alliance have to rethink this whole Eredar thing.

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That’s kinda our jam all the way back from Humans vs Orcs

I think I would’ve preferred Sethrak on the Horde than the Vulpera.
The Vulpera have relatively boring lore.

  • I did enjoy the Vulpera pirate / free–sailor concepts, but one of the /silly jokes of the playable Vulps state they consider them “Quitters” …

Albeit the players are Vulpera who ALSO left the desert, so one could say all adventurer are additionally regarded as said-quitters / lazy weaklings amongst their people.

Adventurous Vulpera

:thinking: I’d love if we had a canonical Vulpera tribe who eventually join the Horde who were from more foresty area, with the lore being that they were those who left Vol’dun when it went from lush jungle to desert & had sought out a similar environment (You could show there’s a Vulpin–Loa who travelled with / guided them, similar to Ohn’ahra).

Oh OK you’re going off the repentant Eredar as the- gotcha. Nevermind.

Yeah but the Horde didnt get 12 kinds of Orcs

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Technically speaking. The Eredar that now work for the Alliance are traitors to the Legion.

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Idk i’d have to be pretty inebriated to confuse a Draenei for a human

Then again you are a Dwarf… and apparently a human too???

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A short, hairy human.

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You can feign ignorance to try and win an internet argument. But we know what youre doing.

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Sadly, all this also points out there is a lot of horde who also like pretty races.

I do not believe I have even this said, but would be a cool race to play… Ethereals

They only add lazy allied races now.

So it’ll just be a skinswap of an existing race.