Please give arcane mage a crit mechanic

I kind of do wish they’d make a change to mastery so that there isn’t a million different multiplier on different spells here there at varying levels. Keep the mana regen and mana pool increase, but then have the damage parts be one thing or at least to scale better. Although, it’s not too bad if we have access to big primary stat on use gear like the moonlit prism and the mechagon staff since arcane performs extremely well with those more than anything else aside from specific cases such as the first sigil + antumbra combo.

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I know there is a lot of debate about whether kyrian arcane is good or bad or whether rune of power is good or bad. In the end, we have what we have and given the current playstyle, a crit with arcane barrage at the end of your cooldown is really what makes the class feel good for me. I actually really love the idea of linking a crit modifier to spark, either a double crit bonus at the end, or a ramping crit bonus throughout. I would feel so much better about the playstyle with that single change.

The staff is so stupid. I went from doing an average of 12-14k overall to 16+ overall in keys.

Guild was doing a 16 upper Kara to help a guildy gear who just returned.

We’re on second boss when he splits into the three birds. Tanks calling out interupts and I respond by just deleting the bird.

I also agree, and it is why I think that ROP should be in the Arcane tree rather than the standard tree. As a cooldown it fits Arcane, lines up with its other spells quite well, and Arcane is already far more fixed-turret than Fire or Frost. Those who generally enjoy ROP are almost always Arcane, so let’s keep it that way. Pop it somewhere in the Arcane tree and give Frost/Fire something else. I wouldn’t be opposed to seeing Multistrike come back for Frost, or Cinderstorm back for Fire…

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Unfortunately, it’s for exactly the same reasons that RoP is least interesting on arcane. It gives us a damage increase while we already have increasers running, and it requires us to stand still at a time when we already mostly need to stand still.

It might fit the bill better, but honestly the only times I’m even aware of the rune are when I need to step away from it (usually because it’s suddenly on fire or something similar). In my opinion, it doesn’t really offer anything to the kit and I’d rather just see its damage boost taken and added into the other damage boosts we already use.


I love we got this staff option, it fits into our kit nicely. I am undecided on the staff now that i have alot of good options. It is easier to use then moonlit prism. Im still playing around with first sigil or moonlit + antumbra or Staff and passive trinkets, since the staff shares the trinket global cooldown.

This really demonstrates that crit isn’t the problem when you just add main stat into the mix.

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I do as well. Even though dagger and MLP is the best it’s a good back up for people like me that farmed MLP and couldn’t get it.

The main issue I have with first sigil is the cd on it.