Please for the love of Thrall, buff Enhancement in PvP

Currently worst spec in the game.
Make Windfury weapon worth something, move SS to Stormstrike damage like other specs have hybrid damage, anything, please.


Its terrible. leveled to 80 and im not playing it. Should have reworked it years ago. bad mobility, bad stun, no MS, stormstrike does no damage and is physical, long ramp up time, hard cast hex and lightning lasso lmao. all your damage is elemental damage. Trash spec just play something else, they dont know what theyre doing.


It’s not that they don’t know what they are doing, it’s that the PvE community loves how intricate the spec plays in M+. The majority of the community doesn’t want a complete overhaul, minus some pruning and gameplay QoL changes. Cap totem is great for them, and the lasso channel is fine as well.

I was screaming all through the beta. I’m currently doing my victory lap atm. No amount of “tuning” is going to make Enhance competitive in PvP. It’ll be broken OP or completely useless.
Don’t even get me started on the amount of keybinds.
Warrior: Stack Overpower>Spear>Avatar>Warbreaker>Demolish=More damage then Enhance burst. This is all on demand when cooldowns are up.
I’m quoting from Wordups wowhead guide here:

“Both Sundering and Doom Winds heavily benefit from your Feral Spirits’ Earthen Weapon buff as well as the Legacy of the Frost Witch buff and you should try to cast them while benefiting from these effects where possible. Similarly, your Elemental Blast heavily benefits from Elemental Spirits, Crackling Surge, Icy Edge, and Molten Weapon buffs, so save your Elemental Blast charges to cast as many as possible within your Elemental Spirits windows. This can be further enhanced by building up Maelstrom Weapon stacks with the Overflowing Maelstrom talent in order to make your Elemental Blast casts hit even harder. Sundering and Lava Burst only gain from specifically the Molten Weapon effect from Elemental Spirits, so with these talented together you should aim to use them within these windows when possible.”

Is it any wonder that Enhance isn’t good in pvp? Lining up at least 3-4 rng buffs for your spells to do damage? Warriors can just choose to activate their buffs and still do more damage than an Enhance shaman with godlike RNG.

I’ve seen the light. I’m just going to focus on Delves if I play at all. There is zero chance Enhance becomes viable in PvP without making us OP for a token season.

Returning player here that likes PvP.

Does Elemental fair better?

So far, I really hate the button bloat, but I figure I could pay $100 plus for a 6 button mmo button mouse, spend 3 days researching the addons and macros that I need, and then I might be competative?

Not joking. Serious question.

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You won’t be competitive if you play Enhance, only way you win a 1v1 is if you severely outgear someone or they are just bad.

Why is it that all the YTube influencers are saying Shaman got huge buffs from Dragon Flight through the War Within?

PvE they are doing fine, PvP everyone says they are the worst spec in the game.

How about Elemental Shaman?

ELE was God tier but they just nerfed them down to A-tier. If you are okay with abandoning Enhance, more power to you.

I never got over the shift from 2H to DW.

I don’t remember a single expac when Enhance was competitive against any other melee dps class.

I mean, what are you guys thinking? Just list the alternatives: DK, Warrior, Druid, DH, Monk, Rogue, (Even Hunter Now). At what point were you ever competative in 1v1 against any of those classes (Only 2H WF Proc Stormstrike)?

Everyone of those other classes has a handful of strong instint attacks for every encounter, available on demand.

Guessing Enhance is still only relevant when you 2 minute plus cooldowns are availabe.

I remember the CCs being some of the weakest in the game. Even with lightning Lasso, you can’t really do anything but let it tick.

Other Characters with hardstuns can blow up 50 to 75% of an hp bar by Alpha striking a hard stun.

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