Please fix Zekvir?

Thank you! I don’t doubt it’s different for you. I feel there has been lots of bugs since Tuesday.

He literally died 3 times in p1 and I don’t shed agro. And I was healing him with healing surge and earth shield everytime it fell off lol. Very buggy imo idk haha :rofl:

Well not that it matters anymore, since you got your achievement (grats again!). But were you by any chance letting him use the curio that burns his hp in exchange for increased damage? That kinda sounds like what’s going on.

Thanks haha

I was using the two everyone recommend. One is the size up or down one and forget the other. Arrow something I think haha

Nope, it’s pretty much impossible as a Rogue to do this right now.

Nope, earned it today, and got the skin, you don’t know what you are talking about.

Read my first post and a few posts down.

Good try though.

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No, screw off, all your other replies shows you are a menace…

You seem upset. Need me to provide you with a phone number for you to talk to someone?

Nah, already got your Mom’s number

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