Please fix Zekvir?

But why is this happening NOW and not the rest of the season. Go look on youtube and every single video he maybe dies twice at MOST Not 15 times+ like he is for me.

He takes at least 30 sec to rez. How could he be dying 15 times?

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Auto attacking Zekvir outside of eggs.
100 DPS.
3 hour and 45 minute fights

No idea what happened, but I do believe they changed something on his AI because Brann absolutely refused to dodge anything during phase 1 and 2, while staying oddly close to me.

When I first tried doing Zekvir months ago I do remember Brann being way more capable of dodging stuff while also standing far away.

Would be nice if he wasnā€™t such BS, I mean able to turn on a dime with his insta kill move is kinda cruel. Iā€™d be happy if the eggs were easier to kill though so I can focus more on Zekvir rather than his egg, would help if Brann would interrupt his poison more often too as that move is almost instantly cast some times

Are you talking ?? or ?. I see you donā€™t have the solo achievement but maybe just another account. Because the fight lasts 10 minutes or so. Hes dead 3 times for me in phase 1. 1 is an insta res.

You shouldnā€™t be fully relying on brann though? He was dead the entirety of phase 2 for me

Itā€™s a typical between season limbo week. There was nothing last second about it.


I canā€™t change my char on the forums for some reason, but to me it does look like my achievements show up.

He shouldnā€™t die at all in p1 unless youā€™re a priest or rogue. Iā€™m not sure weā€™re talking the same language.

He turns, then casts. Stay as close to Zekvir as you can to minimize the range of his cone that youre in

Youve only got like 10 seconds with the egg, the rest of the time is spent on Zekvir.

Brann only interrupts if hes DPS, which hes only got one every 30 seconds. If youre talking about dispelling it from you, you should be able to clear every other one yourself (if not every one) and Brann as a healer will clear all the others

Have you done it this week? I am getting meleeā€™d down in 2 hits at 628ilvl on this alt on ?? sometimes. p2 can survive without heals bc you can kite but i just dont know. Never played ele before its just the highest ilvl ranged dps i have and i tried on a 610 bm hunter and get 2 shot right off the rip every time

I did it last week I believe. Weird that you are getting meleeā€™d to death. Maybe you can try on a different class? I donā€™t think ilvl matters too much for it

Whenever he meleeā€™d me hard I used my healthstone, and picked up a potion from brann and I never died from being meleeā€™d just accidentally messing up a mech

You should be standing near the potions when he goes to melee you. First bit of damage you take, eat all 3 potions. They heal you for like 40-50% of your HP and have an intense HoT added to them.

Every time potions go out, get ready to go over by them for when you start to take damage

I have no issues getting him to like 20% done it over 30 times, just dont know what the issue is. I just started trying on monday. Looks like from these videos it was easier earlier in the patch for some reason.

What is killing you when you get to 20%?

Would perhaps using healing and/or tanking gems on Cyrceā€™s Circlet help in any way? Fight will be longer but maybe the added defense would help you mitigate the melee damage.

I cant get the rotation of the abilities down with a caster dps i guess when the add is out. I have never played ele lol. I heal on most toons tank on others but it seems my priest is useless and shadow seems harder than ele to learn in 3 days lol. My tanks both i cant get the adds down.

If youā€™re doing a rush job, Iā€™d recommend Shadow. Itā€™s very well suited to this fight.

I know I saw that on many forums. My shammy is 630 though and disc priest only 610. I finally just downed it on the shammy after 120 attempts. I donā€™t believe the fight is really working currently as intended but hey, I finally got it. Brann was up for a total of 1 minute 20 seconds in a 9 minute fight lol.


Yeah that doesnā€™t sound right.

He shouldnā€™t be dying in phase 1. P2 yeah, heā€™s on his back most of the time, but p1 shouldnā€™t be dead at all unless youā€™re a class that needs to shed agro.

IDK maybe youā€™re having a different experience than I, but I did it today as a test and it was totally fine.