Please Fix WF [With Proof]

Well yes, that could be the problem.

Just wanted to raise awareness as I believe it would be a shame if the current way WF works on the Classic Beta would make it into the final product :).


Then the problem lies in using modern spell batching on a game that wasn’t designed for it.
The question is, if they can fix it or simply use the old batching.

I’m not on a crusade against it. What I am against is a system breaking more than it’s helping. If you break windfury it breaks more than just shamans.

Well it’s good they have a lengthy beta, so they will have time to fix stuff like this.

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Reviving this once for reasons.

They can’t use the old batching. That’s not possible. The old batching was an artifact of the old server mechanics, and since they’re not using the old servers, using the old batching is impossible.

Modern WoW doesn’t have “spell batching” in the sense that we’re talking about here. It’s technically the same system that Classic is using but it’s set up differently to the point that it’s basically a different system. What we’re discussing is the attempt of Blizzard to recreate the Vanilla mechanics using the modern server mechanics.

You can read more about the spell batching being used in Classic here: Spell Batching in Classic


Just saw WF procc, target running out of range (windfury extra swings not going off), switched to another target – the 2 extra hits procced without animation.

Don’t have footage of it sadly, wasn’t clipped. But that’s what it looked like.

I’ll take a closer look into it on stream. Maybe it will happen again, this time with footage.

I could be wrong ofc, just wanted to share.

Just watch the VOD, you can skip through to find it and clip from there.

Update 2:

Windfury seems to have a range check on each single extra swing.
Windfury procs and only puts out its extra swings if the shaman is in range to do so.
This is not how it should be – once procced the extra swings should apply instantly regardless of range.

Edit: seems like its not necessary range but just gets activated on the next swing sometimes. Really scuffed stuff.

Will add footage later.

Update 3: Footage added on top.


Watch some of the beavis season 3 and season 4 montages. You see alot of funky stuff with animations and windfury triggers.

Windfury was different in BC tho, got counted as spell (yellow numbers) + different animation.

We shouldnt take BC footage as reference. Vanilla Footage is up there and the difference is day and night. The procs dont even show in combat log.

Have a bump and a like for visibility, good work OP. This needs to be addressed ASAP.


Use the grave (`) key around links to turn them into pre-formatted text. Or simply highlight the link and click the </> button above.

Doesn’t stop the behind the screen mechanics being the same. You can see people getting half a dozen steps before dropping, totem/buff animations throwing off the initial hit etc and other funky stuff happening.

Damage from it not showing up in logs is hugely worrying for any with a hope of raiding.

I kind of feel like anyone who is so slavishly obsessed with logs that they are willing to judge performance solely on the log, and is unwilling to account for a major bug (or unaware of the existence of it) is the kind of raid that you would be dodging a bullet by being kicked out of anyway.

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For sure. But all it takes is a few idiots that gauge raid logs as the only metric for viability and enhance shaman is pushed out of raiding further than it is now.

If the windfury weapon buff is bugged so it will neuter any percieved benefit from the totem aswell.


True, I forgot about potential impacts on the totem.

It probably would have the same bug, but we can’t test it since beta shamans don’t have it yet.

Totem is what level? I can’t remember back to when I leveled my shaman.

Windfury Totem (Rank 1) is level 32.

Thanks, I leveled a shaman in wrath which was a loooooooooooonnnnnnnnnnggggggg time ago.