Please fix bgs end allaince PREMADE discord

I’m not gonna lie. I feel just as much sympathy for this guy as I do for the Demon Hunters getting nerfed.

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i don’t see the words “a person” in there at all.
not even in the entire original post.

(not sure what the “a person” thing is referencing?)

anyhoo, premades have been doing the 1,2,3 queue thing since forever, and you’ve just been shown that it’s not breaking any rules.

…and well done on necroing the linked thread and getting it locked.


Horde queues are not that much longer either. Random bg is around 7-10 minutes, and epic bgs are around 20 minutes. Alli random bg is around 2-5 minutes, and epic bgs are around 10-15 minutes. I don’t know why people claim it as if horde had hours of queues.


the shorter the queue times, the easier it is to get everyone into the same bg.
if everyone doesn’t get in, they’re not left waiting a long time to make another attempt at getting everyone in

Your claim would be true if the difference in queues were to be 1 hour. But we are speaking about 2-5 minutes. Are you saying people can’t even wait for 2-5 minutes?

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You are kidding right? Ive sat in queue for 30minutes many times on random bgs.

Yes. Of course the time will vary depending on time and server. But when I had to wait for 30 minutes on alli side, the difference wasn’t that much either on my horde toons.

Wait. A Horde player is finally complaining about getting stomped in BG’s??

When I did the BG thing (way back in BC), it was the Alliance getting stomped. Things have changed finally?? I might have to try it again.

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This. Years of horde claiming ‘we’re just better, more serious players’ leaves us in a bad spot to complain about this. Time to just premade back guy.

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say you’ve got a group of 10.
4 of the group don’t get the queue
everyone has to leave queue.
…after they’ve just waited 10 minutes.

if this happens a few times, people aren’t going to stick around.
all they’re doing is spending time in queue, and not playing.

server has nothing to do with bg queue times.

Exactly, sounds like the horde needs to do the same.

That sounds like a problem alli players would also face when queueing with a premise group, though.

Oh, I thought it was related.

when 10 to 12 people queue for a 10m bg at the same time, the purpose is to attempt to force a fresh instance which can get as many players in at the same time.
even if this takes a few attempts, it’s worth it when your queue times are almost instant.
horde don’t have this benefit simply due to their numbers.

if horde queue at the same time, during the wait, some will get pops for bgs which people have left… if they queue again, they’re not going to get into a bg with the rest of their group, because the person who got the “early” queue will now be sent to the back of the line if they queue again.

(i’m obviously not explaining this clearly, can’t you just take my word for it?) :joy:

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Sounds like a perk of being on the lower populated faction.

ITT: Nerf Friends, Seinfeld was better.

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alliance have always owned casual easy content… let them have their fun too.
They had nazjatar in bfa, let them have random bgs now :wink:

Premades only go up against other premades, this change was made a few expansions ago, I have no idea what you’re talking about.

This post has made the forums an enjoyable place.
Drinking from the chalice full of horde tears fuels me.
Can I get an invite to this discord?

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when did they change that

Don’t worry op they will still whine and moan about horde favoritism and how ally needs special treatment for being the fail faction. Once they get bored of their pre-made retribution they will all turn war mode back off and then cry about horde favoritism on the forums while waiting for against overwhelming odds to pop up so they can camp flight paths to get their 10 kills and then turn it back off after getting their free raid gear.