Please don't screw up Classic servers

Could care less about guild polls, didn’t pay/roll on Classic to be part of the Democratic process either. TBC is not Classic like I said before if you want to “feel the magic” of walking through the portal you need your own servers to do it.

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Classic isn’t even like vanilla, so I’m not sure what you’re arguing about.

If you want to keep playing Classic, you’ll have your designated servers to transfer to. That’s the only way you’ll ever be able to do anything in game involving other players.

I wasn’t even replying to you Azculain but ok.

My point was to say that if a large percentage of a server wants to go to TBC then the server should progress to it. Like it happened in Vanilla. I said about my guild poll only to mention percentages after talking about how people on the server want TBC in general, and this is probably true with (almost) every server.

Most of my posts support keeping characters on “Classic Vanilla”. I just don’t see the benefit of having a bunch of dead servers.

I’m guessing Blizzard is smart enough to do what people want and keep servers healthy. We should know in under a month.

You seem to have no attachment to your servers based on your post history so why do you even care?

This is not Vanilla that time has come and gone, these are dedicated Classic servers for people who wanted classic servers. I could care less what your progression guild wants and we likely wont have that many dead servers other than the ones we already have due to a Bad Xfer policy after the content locusts leave for BC. There is nothing new at BC I have not seen a million times over and thats true for alot of classic players. Many people who have never played BC will go there and quickly get nauseated by Blood Elves and carrot on a stick gameplay and want to come back, in which case we need separate servers.


I would happily play Classic only forever. But the experience of it will only be as good as the number of people who feel the same. If 90%+ move on to TBC, then group content will be largely unavailable in Classic.

That said, I am at least as likely to quit WoW altogether as move on to TBC. I can see myself periodically re-subbing to level a new Classic character. :smiley:


Ok and I don’t really care if you like me using examples (such as me talking about my server and my guild) or not. I wasn’t even replying to you originally so I don’t know why you need to point out that you don’t care about this when it had nothing to do with you.

We should all see in three weeks what Blizzard is going to do. It’s ultimately up to them.

The funny thing is we have more in common than you probably think. I really like Classic/Vanilla and am not even a huge TBC fan.

If you’re already just hoping around servers why does it really matter to you if they stay the same?

I am with you, me and my two accounts. I will unsub if all my progress becomes useless by forcing me into a tbc realm.


I’d glean that they’ll open Wrath servers after TBC.

Being rid of the botters, hackers, RMT, and all the GDKP pay to win garbo would make it worth while.


I too look forward to playing on Classic Forever - the pure, untainted version of the game when TBC comes out.

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have they said anything about TBC and what they plan to do with Classic servers?

I want my progress to remain in classic . Classic ONLY server or wtv . Make TBC separate servers its that simple . I took a break of classic when shadowland released but now I find myself playing classic again .


Blizzard promised it would leave Classic servers alone.

While they may allow you to transfer ONE character (although I would SO prefer a copy) for TBC, you will have to reroll/freshroll for TBC. At least that is what the word is at present.

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Pretty sure they said Classic would exist in some fashion forever. They didn’t say the Classic servers themselves would never change.

There is no, “word”. The only thing we can do is guess based on the polls. We have to wait until Blizzcon to get more concrete answers.

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I believe the words “museum piece” were deployed by Blizzard when describing what they intended. In fact, if there was any intention to make significant changes to Classic, one would imagine that the very first thing they would start with are the BUGS.

There will be no “classic plus” – unless someone in the private realm gets ambitious.

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Quote where they specifically said, “museum”. The only reference that has ever been shown was to a quote in an interview where the person being interviewed (which I believe was Ion) joked that the development team saw Classic as a, “museum piece”. They never promised anything, other than that they wanted Classic to always be there.

Blizzard wanted to make it as authentic as possible, but obviously had to make changes. I didn’t even remotely suggest there would be a Classic+ - but that we’d progress, as that is far more the likely outcome. Otherwise your servers would be dead.

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I have a few toons on high population classic servers. I really don’t want a repeat of Faerlina nor Grobbulus. I had no choice but to roll on Thunderfury or wait 5 hours. So a new server sounds like my speed.

I predict that on TBC launch, all the existing servers will have massive queues as old players return. New servers will have to be created. And I’m figuring that at least a few new ones will be nothing but Horde belf paladin/hunter servers.

with the world buff meta being a thing, there is nothing hard won about most people’s gear.