Please don't screw up Classic servers

Don’t really see the negative with dailies, unless it’s for rep that is required or something. I think they went overboard with it at some point, like in Panda.

To me it’s a more interesting/fun farming method. If you don’t like farming the same mobs over and over for drops or gathering herbs/mining, which are the ONLY methodS of farming available in vanilla, dailies offer a more interesting way to farm gold for those who like doing quests.


I will delete my account before I am forced to get back on the carrot on a stick bandwagon of BC and everything that came after.


Indeed content locusts are the bain of true mmorpgs which is why we dont have them anymore.


For real. A-B promoting the speed run destruction of Naxrammas should have been an embarrassment. Phase 6 defeated in a few hours, and they rejoiced. Were they cheering in hopes that Classic WoW was over?


They are going to.

Have a nice day!

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Your not losing your character… your going to a classic eternal server with everyone else that does not want TBC. Its a WIN/ WIN

Continue playing my current Classic character on my existing server as it progresses to the Burning Crusade expansion, with the option to transfer to a Classic server that will never progress past level 60.

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When did blizz say that?

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A lot of guilds haven’t cleared it yet. My guild for example is at 14/15… But KT dies this week for sure. It hasn’t been easy and everyone’s put in the work. But just because one guild of ultra hardcore players that have been practicing on private servers for eons doesn’t mean naxx is easy.

Look around you. Compare the audience of the pre-beta original reworked forums compared to now. And even before that, we were those who wanted the authentic overall Vanilla experience. Raids at patch. Pre-nerf, everything.

Maybe some are left, but the people who originally stood for no changes are no longer relevant. Now it’s a phrase used for convenience to further a person’s own agenda. There’s a reason why Classic just feels like Retail. It’s because of the current player base playing it. If things “tedious” or “boring” or “time consuming” it’s unnecessary.

And the private server players rejoiced when 1.12 was announced. Not the original no changes crowd.

Edit: Agreed. TBC, rather later TBC is where it all started going down hill.


It’s just shocking to see so many want to kill classic and replace it with tbc. Erasing everyone’s progress.


I wont be quitting myself if BC is released but I think it would be a disgrace to get rid of classic.

I believe BC content is nearly
in tact on retail. People who play retail if they want to play it.

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I too want to stay raid logged with buffs every week and run the same raid till I die. After I get my gear I then make alt to get boosted by a gold selling mage in a dungeon nobody runs since launch. After my alt is boosted I then go to a soft res run or GDKP run to get gear to then run the latest raid to get all my gear to then raid log this toon, rinse and repeat :clown_face:
I realize some are sad it’s at the finish line but classic had its run (twice now) I just wanna play the next xpac personally :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Classic fans don’t do that. They enjoy storyline, quests.

If you are boosting or raid logging that’s not classic mentality.


Dude Classic is already ruined. Best thing they could do is fresh everything servers.

They won’t delete your characters, Blizzard never did that and will never do that. It’s almost guaranteed that you’ll get the choice between moving your character to TBC or to stay in Classic and that probably both options will be doable on your characters.

You don’t have to worry about that, do you? Why do you care?

Secondly, you’re making an assumption that the Classic server(s) will be empty. You know what happens when you assume, right?

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TBC as is flying was stale within a week. I prefer to stay on classic. Unlike the OP I do not mind having fresh Vanillia Servers

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No! Don’t do that! That’s what started all this in the first place!

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Of course I have to care about it, I want to maintain my server community as much as possible going into TBC. I have relationships with plenty of people who may not end up on my target server.

They won’t be empty, but outside of the mega servers I don’t think there’ll be any semblance of a healthy population left - especially after several months of TBC.

I’m going off poll results and the very unlikely idea that a significant portion of players will enjoy P6 Classic forever.

I have to agree. I’d rather the servers just progress to TBC. I usually try to stay out of this part of the discussion because I really think that Classic players should be able to keep their characters on “Classic Vanilla” servers, however, I also believe a server should go the way that a large percentage of the server wants.

Based on my servers Discord and chats most want TBC. Then take for example my guild, we put up a TBC poll yesterday asking what people wanted to do. We know already that some do not plan to go to TBC… but for those who do we ask stuff so we can try to plan the 10 man and 25 man raids. That’s so everything doesn’t go to hell like it did the last time with guilds when Vanilla turned to TBC. Anyway we asked like 10 questions to organize things. We’ve already had 26 yes responses overnight, and we only have one 40 man raid team. So that right there says to me that wanting to progress is a more common response than not.