Please don't screw up Classic servers

Here is some insight


we agree on this Joyson

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Wow. Presume much? My wife, myself, and my son. How do you figure that’s multiboxing? Please remember to engage your brain before spewing words.

None of us wants to move to TBC, as we often play together, and we do not want our characters wiped with a reset. So, Blizzard would lose three accounts. That’s all I’m saying. No multiboxers here.


keep classic vanilla please blizzard! stop shilling to the streamer/retail crowd and throw us a bone … i signed the petition in hopes for vanilla classic. you can 100% bet i will go to the private servers if they abandon the one thing we vanilla folks want.


when most of them leave to TBC servers, I say good riddance. Then I might actually come back and play. Sure, consolidate everyone to one server. I’d be cool with that.


so…you want to stay in classic…without any further patches*there wont eb any and blizzard DEFENITLY wont develop new content for that evrsion of the game) forever??..doing…what?cuz there wont eb anymore content there…ever…

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Why you hate on people that have been there from the start. Classic is comprised of Vanilla, TBC, and Wrath fan. No one is trying to screw anyone over. Only thing that needs to happen is the different versions sorted out properly.

But at the end of the day, this mix of player types made Classic what it is today and the culture what we have today. And the very same attitude that Retailers told the people when we asked for Classic, plagues those now that are TBC fan boys.

  • the incessant whining about consumables, burnout, and guild attrition.
  • the reliance on world buffs
  • blaming Blizzard for everything about servers instead of realizing that the problem was create by the hplayers themselves.
  • anything time consuming is “tedious” or a “waste of time”
  • Forum posts like “There will be no Classic+”
  • “Have fun on your dead server”
  • “No, we won’t move. Most people like TBC. You Classic players need to move”. As if moving servers or copied over is some form of being less important.

The list goes on. All you need to do is just go through all the posts given by those who aren’t interested in TBC and see how people respond.

I’m not hating. People can like what they like. I don’t care. But I do know that the people who DID make Classic what it is today and that have this attitude towards people who like something different, I can happily live without. TBC fanboys are the new Retailers of many years ago when they created the wall of no. Some of us want a somewhat Vanilla experience, but the high and mighty feel like that’s some how a slight against their xpac of choice. TBC fan boys? Meet Retail. It’s practically the same player base and behavior if you look at it.


All of my 'nilla friends and fam didnt make it 6 weeks into classic after the launch and these are people who named their dogs Thrall and got horde tattoos.

The metas pushed me to the outskirts of filthy casual and Ive been lying in wait in hopes TBC comes and cleanses Classic of all the wannabes.

I cant think of a better change or fix for Classic than TBC.


Same. The original people who fit the “no changes” bill are long gone.

and yet private vanilla servers were always popular


I don’t care if they "dry up " or not. I just don’t want my characters disappearing.


Just understand what you are seeing:

TBC fan boys want to hijack Classic servers and force them into TBC. And for anyone who doesn’t think like them, you get a separate but equal server you can go away to.

They want you to leave your server and your community so that they can have your server and your community to play TBC with.

They want this because they are self centered raiders who never understood why people wanted Classic to begin with.


No, they’re not. Not by a long shot. You retail–oh. i’m sorry, TBC–fanbois can speak for yourselves, please.

As far as we Classic fans are concerned, TBC is arguably where Blizzard began down the wrong path for the future of this game. It’s just gotten worse ever since that first expansion. :frowning:


Sunwell has nice gear and two iconic raids (dungeon + raid; shrug), but it’s driven by dailies, which is one thing that Classic WoW lovers hate. For the new kids in the back of the class, dailies was a marketing strategy by Blizzard to encourage regular customer engagement, so that the game always felt relevant and current. Discretionary player who went to private servers for actual content did not want dailies. NEWS FLASH! Sane minded players want engaging content, not logins mistaken for engagement.

~queue mind explosion video~

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It was also a way for more casual players to more easily get rep and gold. It’s more of a trap than anything else, as for the most part it’s not as efficient as more standard farming strategies. That was part of the intention with dailies.

Also, most private servers implode before the final patch, vanilla included. Usually due to poor management, a new shiny server opening up, or corruption.

I don’t know why these threads are made. Classic isn’t going anywhere!

They will have designated classic servers, how many is the only thing up for speculation and how they handle progressing current servers to TBC.

There is absolutely 100% no way you’re losing your level 60 and be unable to play classic.

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Same reason why we had 5 million phase 2 threads, or lotus threads, or AV premade threads. The community has a bone, and it will chew on it until it turns to powder.


As long as I get to keep my toon/gear going into TBC I’m content. We beat Naxx so I don’t see what’s the point of remaining.

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Blizzard can let players copy toons to tbc servers for everyone who wants to tbc.