Please don't screw up Classic servers

Yes. I don’t want to play vanilla after TBC comes out. I fully believe current servers will become TBC servers and perma classic servers will be made for those who want that. Why is it so hard to understand that a majority of players want to play TBC more than vanilla?

you understand that deleting classic servers is not required in order to play tbc exactly the way you want to right?

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Who said anything about deleting classic servers? Not me.

what happens to a classic server that progresses to tbc?

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It doesn’t get deleted… it turns into a tbc server. The classic players will move to their own servers. Deletion implies it is gone forever. This is not true. We’re progressing to tbc. Accept it now or be surprised pikachu at blizzconline. There will be classic servers too. You’re in the minority.

can you go into more detail? you seem to be being purposefully vague to save yourself the reprocussions of realizing what you are actually saying


What repercussions? What do you think im saying? I say what i mean. I’m not afraid of your fictional repercussions. Lol… am I gonna get grounded?

Why don’t you tell me what you think I mean since you seem to think I have some hidden meaning. Hint: I don’t do that. I’m an adult i say what i mean.

the repercussions of being purposefully vague about the side of the argument you are on.

that classic servers will change from being classic servers into being tbc servers

what you are not acknowledging is the fact that you can have exactly what you want. classic servers that change into tbc servers. while at the same time you can also have those exact same classic servers not change into tbc. how so you may ask. well in the world of warcraft game files, all character data for each server is saved in an excel type sheet. the character data on any servers can be swapped between any server because each server refers to its own character database. this allows blizzard to give us the option of having classic stay classic and then also to have tbc go exactly how you are describing. its a win win for both groups, and im just trying to explain this to you so you understand and dont unnecessarily lock other people out of something just because you want to crusade for something without understanding the full complexities behind the entire topic.


I’ve been very vocal on these forums about it progressing to tbc. I’m not being vague on purpose or trying to be vague at all. In the future just ask the question if you’re unsure. Im 10000000000% pro tbc progressive.

thats fine. blizzard wont do that.

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Yes they will. Let’s all remember this when I’m proven right in February.

people will start playing private servers for vanilla again

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Lol… a few sure. Im a pserver player and ill be progressing to tbc. The vast majority will progress. Also, pserver players probably make up less than 1% of classics pop.

imagine not wanting to understand what i told you

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Lol what? Are you ok? How do you know what i do or don’t want to understand. You’re wrong. Accept it.

about what?

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yeah thats what i thought

so what’s the difference between copies and transfers?

Either way mergers are almost unavoidable to retain a quality community in Vanilla Classic.

The fact that a 60 frozen in time copy could exist to go back and dink around is kinda a fun thing, and for some new players an opportunity to make new friends, clear content they were late for, etc.

Even if you took the whole ball of wax and lumped it into a few servers, the number of active players would still be reduced to the same degree and I doubt any real quality of service issues would arise but there are always those foreseen problems.

I love Classic, too, but once I’ve had my fill of Naxx, I will have done everything I want to do here, and I don’t want to come back for at least 5-10 years. And I think most feel that way. I respect those who want to keep playing their characters in vanilla.

I think the solution is to create a few Classic Forever servers, or however many can be supported with healthy, active populations. Then create a few fresh Classic Servers or however many there is demand for. And then let all the current servers progress to TBC. That way everyone gets what they want.

The fresh servers, once they’ve completed Phase 6 can then be merged into the Classic Forever servers, and they can create a few more fresh vanilla servers, repeat.

nobody here understands. its not “bro just progress classic servers thats what people want” take your 70iq 3 second understanding of the world and go somewhere else with it. world of warcraft is capable of having both tbc and classic servers. all character data is on a database file separate from everything else making it fully movable and modifiable. you literally just copy the character database for x server and paste that data onto y tbc server and boom, you just progressed into tbc without progressing your classic server. people who want to unnecessarily progress classic servers into tbc, how does it feel to be shown how little you understand this game?