Please don't screw up Classic servers

  1. The existing servers need to stay put.
  2. Existing classic characters should be given the ability to be copied to TBC with a 500 to 1000 gold per account cap. “Crafting materials” and unbound items should be prohibited from transfer.
  3. Sign ups for TBC should start now, and the sign ups should allow friend and guild grouping so that Blizzard can wisely allocate server populations.
  4. Blizzard needs to communicate more with the community starting now to set reasonable and realistic expectations.
  5. TBC pre-patch should take place on the new TBC realms that include the copied characters.
  6. Existing classic servers should then after 2 months of TBC be merged after a careful analysis of populations to keep the community healthy.

Thanks, Chuck. You nailed it.

Also, I don’t even raid. My idea of end-game is getting my Dungeon Set 2 (“Tier 0.5”) set, maxing my professions, reputations, skills, recipes, etc., and getting the best weapons, rings, etc. that I’m able to get.

I don’t give a damn if the server I end up on is a museum piece for my trophies. I don’t want Blizzard to screw it up. I came back to Blizzard with official Classic servers because I was confident that my characters wouldn’t just disappear overnight (as happened so many times on pservers) or forced to progress. Those of us who wanted Classic never asked for nor expected TBC.


Why does it matter if people play classic? There are a lot of people who don’t play classic that will play TBC. I disagree that people will just agree with madseason. He isn’t asmongold. Why can’t they just be accurate? Why can’t people have just voted how they wanted? Just because someone made a video doesn’t mean people are shilling for them especially when the poll is anonymous and they get nothing from voting on it. People could have spammed that they wanted fresh classic only.

And what about the people who signed it and want to play TBC? Who is saying you will lose classic? There is clearly going to be classic servers and TBC servers. I don’t really understand what you’re complaining about. waaaaa blizzards going to give me exactly what I want while simultaneously giving everyone else what they want too! waaaaaa! Is it because you know you’re gonna be left alone with a handful of people in classic while everyone else you know is going to be playing TBC? Could that possibly be it?

I have no idea why they think that is going to happen. They make up arbitrary things that hasn’t even been said. I think the real issue is they know classic is gonna be a ghost of itself when TBC comes out and they don’t like that. They want everyone to do what they want to do.


Actually, I signed up for classic with the sole intent of wotlk eventually coming, so don’t lump us all in to wanting to live in a time capsule for vanilla.

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Personally, I want TBC then WotLK after. What happens after that is anyones guess. I don’t think nearly as many people want cata. Personally, I would stop there. Figure something out after that.

  • Existing Servers Staying put: Agreed
  • Copy function with limit on gold: Hmm. Not sure. Since I don’t buy gold and have more things to do outside of game than logging in and farming gold, this doesn’t impact me.
    -Crafting mats/unbound items. No. I have a lot of mats saved up and I bank blues if they are “good”
  • Signups now for TBC: Sure, why not. You know we’ll have queue problems most assuredly.
  • Communication: nah, this is blizzard. Plus, let’s be fair. It is ONLY Jan 4. They have time. I expect announcement on Feb 19 or 20.
  • TBC Pre-batch: this depends on how they proceed with TBC release
  • Server Merging: Populations are already bad on some servers now that Classic is “complete”. This may need to be fast tracked to ensure a healthy population on each server.
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You claimed that the polls you linked were:

I simply pointed out that was one of several unverifiable claims you made in your post.

People tend to follow streamers they agree with. If as is likely the poll skews towards followers of the streamer who sponsored it it also likely skews towards his views. This is what is known as a pre self selected polling sample. It’s no different than a poll on Brietbart or Huffington post. The former will have overwhelmingly far right respondents and the latter liberal respondents. The results will be diametrically opposed and neither will be accurate for any larger population

The polls may or may not be accurate. But they are poorly designed polls. If accurate it will just be a coincidence.

Look I want the polls to be true. But I understand statistics and statistical analysis and I know those polls are flawed. I’m not going to ignore what I know of polling to fall into confirmation bias.


lol I assume its classic players and players who want to play TBC. Mostly classic though… why else would someone watch a classic video on youtube?

This is not the same as mainstream media. Not even close. We disagree. You will not change my mind. I think if blizzard released the polls they did… they would match. Anyone who thinks TBC isn’t wildly more popular than vanilla is delusional.

We happen to agree on that point. That’s not the issue I’m addressing. The polls you cited as evidence to support your view are flawed. Either you don’t understand how polling and statistical analysis works or you forming your opinion about the polls based on confirmation bias.

It is exactly the same polling flaws you see at far right and far left media sites. Mainstream news sites are less likely to supply propaganda to their readers and usually have more profession polls. That’s why FOX news polls usually agree with the New York Times polls.


Madseasons survey matches up with numidiawow’s survey. All the player made surveys have the same results. It’s not the same people voting in every one of them. When several surveys from different sources all give the same result. I think its safe to believe them.

no… those polls are not the same as here. the method of how they are conducted is entirely different. You can’t compare them.

The reason I was promoting the gold, materials and BoE transfer prohibition was because there are tons of players like me who made a lot of gold on the market legitimately, but all of us know the legitimacy is questionable because the gold is inflated due to quite a lot of RMT.

Because of that, deflating the currency via a restriction on gold is a good thing.

Prohibiting materials and BoE is to close the door on commodity being a way to circumvent the gold per account cap.

I am by no means the wealthiest of the legitimate AH traders that honestly made the gold without the use of 3rd party software that automates the process, I did it the old way and still made heaps of gold. While I would love to keep my gold, and I know many like me would do the same, if we are being reasonable we can also see that the inflation is out of hand, and that harms the new game before it begins. I am not opposed to some gold being automatically part of the new economy, that’s a good thing to get the game moving and to harm the RMT because real players can start with a stock that’s sensible while also going into a game where getting gold legitimately is orders of magnitude easier.

There will be inflation in TBC, but the RMT gold trade will die off somewhat in TBC because of how easily gold can be had in a legitimate way.

RMT will not die tho, they will simply migrate to a retail wow strategy where they sell gladiator to garbage players who can’t even get past 1300 on their own, and then proceed to talk crap to players who don’t have those titles that they didn’t actually earn. Happens like that in retail daily… they do the same in PVE, it’s called piloting, and blizzard needs to permanently ban these airplanes because harming the players who go for this kind of stuff don’t belong here anyway.

  1. Allow players to transfer to TBS servers with their gear and a few hundred gold.

  2. Role out fresh classic TBC and vanilla servers.

  3. Keep the old servers around for those that want to stay.


What’s a lot of people? I’d imagine at least 10% of the population would keep playing for a year or so. There are people who want to min/max multiple characters in full Naxx gear and continue PvPing for some time after that. It may be a minority of people, but they exist and shouldn’t be ignored if Blizzard wants to maintain the highest subscription numbers possible.

If I have no option to continue playing my current vanilla characters on a vanilla-only server after TBC launches then that’s it for me personally. I have no interest in investing all of this time and effort just to have my progression wiped. Not trying to threaten Blizzard or anything. Just saying as someone receiving Atiesh splinters. I worked really hard to be that person who was chosen and I don’t want that to go to waste. I still have a lot of vanilla goals that will take me probably at least another year to achieve.

When? And why?

Maintenance on those server types would be quite low which means costs should be quite low. Over time with better technology being introduced they should become less expensive to keep up. That’s why we still have Diablo 2 servers running on the ancient

Plus if you have fresh vanilla servers in addition then you can periodically inject new life into then by merging after those reach phase 6.

I don’t see any reason they can’t keep at least a few perma-60 vanilla servers running for at least a few decades.


Never took a survey. Don’t care about BC personally. Do want classic/fresh classic servers


I think theyll give you what you are asking and the many others who want the same thing. Theyll also allow those who want to progress into TBC to do so.

Retention = $$$

Fresh server might be something we’ll see down the road if there is a retention value greater than the cost.
Now that I think about it, this might be the true reason for the survey. It may be a tool being used to help determine interest vs cost.
Hope this helps. Good luck!


Don’t be a dick. You know exactly what is going on here.

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TBC is a fad. Classic is forever. You cant beat the original.