Please don't remove addons

yeah I can’t think of a sane defense for chat-spam addons. I don’t think anyone would defend their use and they should go away.

Unfortunately, there have been defenders of this addon.

Addons are not an official part of the game and the game should not be designed around them. If downloading a 3rd party program gives people an advantage over others, then it shouldn’t be allowed.

as a high end content pusher no its classic or casuals crying about them because they want to try and hide their lack of skill. they also push against logs and such as well

glad it doesnt as everyone can use them :smiley: please refrain from speaking out youre rear

Should Blizzard stop supporting widescreen monitors? What about MMO mouse?

Good thing this doesn’t happen as all players have access to the same programs.

No one should have to download an unofficial 3rd party program just to be competitive. I think it’s time to ban addons and level the playing field.

IDK how much people will like this addon:

This is an perfect encapsulation of the mentality I see among the “ban addons” crowd.

It’s people that don’t know how real life works. It’s incredibly difficult to take someone who isn’t qualified or capable of something, and elevate them to the group of those who are. It’s much easier to handcuff those who outperform others and restrict them from visibly being more accomplished or capable.

And like, the thing is I doubt there’s enough popularity in the addon I linked, to actually get it implemented into the game, and it gets “banned” because it’s an addon. I use it for cosmetic purposes. Why should I be punished, as one who doesn’t use DBM nor Weak Auras, nor do I even Raid?

I use addons that aren’t even competitive, and I don’t want to lose access to them because of some (not all) taking issue with 1 or 2 addons. And, I doubt people want to fight for the addons I do use, to be implemented into the game :roll_eyes:

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I’m a clicker too, I have to be. It’s not a matter of “keeping up with the times” but more of its the only comfortable way I can play. I tried keybinding and not only was it complicated but due to having some many toons covering every spec a class has keybinding would be impossible for me.

I have raided, before as a keyboard turning clicker, before. My most raiding experience was in MoP and fizzled out in WoD.

I even got Silver medal in Proving Grounds, as a keyboard turning clicker. Back when PGs were a thing. I never got gold, unfortunately. But, I came close to it 8/10. Then again, I tried doing it as a Balance Druid LOL

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I swear moon chickens are probably the easiest class to play. Most of their attacks revolve around spamming instant casts.

I can DPS fine, but it’s the interrupting of the heal that screwed me over the most. Solar Beam (is it?) is not an effective silence LOL

I bet I wouldn’t gotten gold on my Hunter (at the time). It’s just that, I mained a Druid, at the time and wanted to get it on her.

I don’t use many addons most of the time I can get by with none.

But they are legal so why take them away from those who want to use them?

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It really isn’t. I don’t understand how out of all spell interrupts moon chickens is a 1 min cd, heck spriest is 45 seconds and other classes are about 15 sec cd. It’s such an odd decision on the devs part especially when moon chickens interrupt requires the enemy to be in the vicinity of the beam.

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I’m still proud of myself that I made it to 8/10 stages, in Gold. It was really difficult LOL I think if I had practiced a little bit more, I would’ve gotten it. I wanted to prove that keyboard turning and mouse clicking players are just as good as mouse turning and keybinding players :laughing:

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Well you got my vote. :smiley:

The way I see it is people should play in the way they feel most comfortable, it’ll be much better than trying to play a way that is uncomfortable.

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