SOMEONE has to start the process of rebuilding social skills. If everyone were to just give up because of fear that the other person they would be interacting with also has poor social skills, then you just get a never ending spiral straight to the bottom.
LOL what? Blizz has spent that last 15 years destroying any sense of community or social interaction in this game. The entire game is designed with the World of Queue-craft “gogogogogogogo no stopping no talking follow that arrow and complete tasks as fast as humanly possible” philosophy since the introduction of CRZ and LFD.
If Blizz wants to change that, then great. However if they want to bring back social interactions being an integral part of WoW they need to change their entire design philosophy, not just shoehorn forced interaction into one niche corner of the game where it is doomed to fail right out of the gate.
Most likely a store shop purchase thing or purchase with millions of gold if they do this.
Nah. People will just make their own empty neighborhoods like they made their own empty guilds.
We’re sending you to Detroit.
This dosent happen in the game as it does IRL. walk through the middle of the current popular city, how many people do you hear blathering away? how many cel phones do you hear ringing? aside from the occasional noisy mount grunting its pretty quiet.
besides visually seeing other properties in a WoW neighborhood, i donʻt think we will hear anything coming from any of the houses. so I believe that this is nothing to be concerned about.
I wouldn’t bother Sent, that person is a known troll and an elf lover so you know they have their head far up their backside when it comes to other horde races.
Even NIMBY exists digitally apparently
segregated housing is the ONLY way
would be an upgrade to most “blue” cities
This isn’t entirely true.
One of the things that made this game popular back in the day was that it had solo content.
And to this day, most MMO’s make it a point to have solo progression.
Blizzard saw this and that’s why we have Delves.