It’s about player choice, some of us choose to be antisocial. You walk into a Mcdonalds and get people upset with you because you DIDN’T order a burger? No.
Recently there was a large discussion amongst the Hunter community regarding forced removal of pets for MM hunters in 11.1, which the majority revolted against due the implications it had on player choice.
Ultimately the solution has been to give the choice back to the MM hunters in the form of a choice node. Despite not liking pets myself as an MM main (ironic I know) I appreciated the desire others had to retain their freedom of choice.
If Blizzard plants their feet with neighbourhoods being the foundation for player housing, players like myself (and I’m sure many others) who would prefer to live like a recluse, will end up hating housing in WoW.
Keep neighbourhoods, but add a different option, that’s all.