Please don't drag your feet Blizzard

As expected the test weekend was able to filter out the masses that just wanted to get a piece(s) of gear. What we are seeing now is the true queue times as the test weekend was able to filter out the folks that are really not in it for the PvP.

I suspect if we gave this a few more weeks, now that the gear junkies are done, the queues for Horde would be around the 15-20 min. mark.

Maybe all that was needed was the test event to get the non PvPer’s done and out of the way.


You’re 100% right and Dude once they finally have full S1 blues they will cry that they are too far behind to ever catch up to “the gear advantage that the Alliance has in Arena” while completely ignoring the other Horde players who skipped the PvP blue set. (excluding the trinket)

A thousand excuses will be had and very few will admit the truth.


Queue times on horde are < 30 minutes. Are you guys really that impatient?


It may be enough to just re-enable this system during key times when the non-PvP Horde are flooding the queue for the new gear, etc. Then turn it off after the masses have gotten what they wanted and have moved on.

< 30 min. queues are, I think, totally acceptable and I would compromise with the FvF system being in the game if it was only enabled for a weekend or two when the most players are queuing.

Call it the “Get your gear and get out” weekend.


3 loses vs 1 win per hour really doesn’t make any difference. same marks same honor

And you win every single AV. I’m starting to think horde are just entitled zoomers


This is true. But you have to understand what they want. They want to have their cake and eat it too. They then want to crap out a perfect cake and eat it again. They want to win every game, with no queue times, and never have to face premades. and yes, premades will be the next cry baby item on their agenda.


Read your own post and see what light you’re painting people in.

All we want is to be able to play the game the way it was meant to be played. Name another game that is going strong that has hour long queue times.

Which side do I tell people to reroll again?
It’s hard keeping up with the Jones these days lmao

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(Points to the left and right at the same time). That side.


I mean, no you don’t. You want to implement an abomination of a band aid fix that allows you to play the game specifically the way that it was not meant to be played with HvH bgs. What you meant to say is that you don’t care and just want to get honor, even if it comes at the expense of the authenticity of the game, and at the expense of the alliance that have zero upside in same faction BGs.

The obvious fix is to offer up faction changes. and i’d even accept merc mode over same faction as it was tested. Same faction BGs were effectively the worst possible solution from an alliance perspective. It hurts our player base, hurts our bg win rates, and even fails to address AV which is a completely toxic pile of trash.


Per Blizzard, the data suggests otherwise.

my response in a different thread

‘‘don’t waste time in bgs. almost no one doing arena right now has much resil. do arena. you don’t need full pvp starter set when no one else currently ranking has it. you wasting time farming honor will put the people doing arena for conquest so far ahead that you won’t be able to catch up this season. then you’ll do the same thing next season and shoot yourself in the foot, again. don’t be that guy.’’

they’re using the fact they can’t get into bgs as an excuse as to why they can’t start arena. plenty of people are ranking in arena right now in pve gear. the lack of resil isn’t stopping those people at all. it’s just an excuse to hand wave away that they won’t ever get glad. you could mail most people (ally and horde) full S1 arena gear and they’d still be hard stuck at 1200. then the crying would shift to class balance. they’d threaten to unsub if the spec they wanted to play doesn’t receive buffs. and down the line to anything they could try to scape goat as to why they aren’t a R1 player.

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Nice try, but feel free to address first paragraph where i obliterated your careless statement.

and we all know the blizzard data is complete BS due to premades farming pugs into oblivion.


Yeah, i’d say that is mostly true. horde sweaties have had full gear for some time now, and alliance is clearly a minority of the player base, so most of your arena opponents will be horde that are facing the same queue times. also depends on the class / spec for getting away with more or less pve gear.


Screen shots have been posted all over the forums that show your queue times are literally between 9 and 27 minutes.

Unless you’re queuing for AV, you’re not waiting an hour, or even close to it. Just . . . stop talking.


Bleezard say Bleezard no drag feet.

the horde is so god damn spoiled now even 10-20 minute queues are unacceptable.
blizzard, you created a monster


Let’s be real for a second. If horde have long queues that means less horde premades to face against. Long queues also means more of a gear gap between alliance bgs/arenas VS horde.

Given the massive advantage alliance have in pvp right now with insta queues, they complain about faction imbalance from HVH games and the general future of classic tbc.

However given that the overall faction balance is 40/60, it seems that 1hr long queues are abnormal and especially more rough about a month from release.

After playing a lot of AV and bgs during prepatch and the latest BG test, I found that more alliance tend to Afk during bgs to soak up honor with lack of effort. Even after the horde cave was fixed alliance still display the same defeatism.

There are plenty of pvp reasons to be alliance right now especially if you pre-made. Horde do not have that luxury right now unless instant queues are implemented. When Blizzard implemented the test for horde VS horde queues to make them basically instant, several alliance players immediately enter an enraged state saying horde is the favored faction and threatens to unsub or reroll horde on the forums.

The results of the test which I’m sure blizzard has plenty of data on the win/loss ratios still has alli/horde around or close to a 50% ratio.

Alliance just don’t want horde to be happy and throw a tantrum if horde get to fight each other for shorter queues for more honor than the current rate at 1 hour long queues. They alliance do not have their unique advantage in pvp anymore over horde and the horde that rolled alliance this expansion are not happy for that reason.

Also people on alliance believe that horde racials are the sole reason they lose in pvp and pve which isn’t true. Wotf is a 2 minute CD and does not single handily win a pvp battle, maybe one encounter every 2 minutes with team support. Hardiness isn’t affected by every class but rogue and maybe warriors and warstomp is a nice half second gap for Tauren druids to get away. Racials aren’t that game breaking in BGs, however arenas may be a different story for arena imbalance which I agree horde have the better racials as an advantage but alliance still have very strong racials with perception for humans and gnome escape artist and intellect increase for mana classes such as mage/locks.

I just do not understand the forum rage from alliance about the HVH. Alliance beg for more honor from blizzard after the test or want something else which I’m on the fence about. Giving alliance more honor for just participating would cause more afks in pugs. I’m not opposed to giving alliance an incentive in pvp just to keep the population from just rerolling horde, however I think they should just give the alliance more marks for winning/losing a BG to negate the horde changes to keep everyone happy. But in the end I feel alliance will never be happy about a horde QOL change.

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Why was this flagged? Re post it.

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They hated him because he told the truth.

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