Please DO NOT eliminate feral lunge

I’m in beta now, but still not able to post yet. Rusash posted the below in the beta forum and since I can’t respond there yet, I’ll respond here.

Please do NOT remove feral lunge. I love this ability and I think it’s extremely useful in certain PvP situations and against certain specs. It’s our only instant gap closer and therefore not replaceable by any of the other movement abilities in the general tree.

I would happily see it buffed in some way but please do not remove it. I am very much looking forward to be being able to take this without having to decide between it and nature’s guardian.

Rusash’s post:

  • Feral Lunge is offensively bad as a movement ability in our tree - if it has to stay in the spec tree then it should at least gain some resource on cast and a significant damage boost. In the class tree we already the Spirit Walk / Gust of Wind choice node, the Spirit Wolf / Thunderous Paws node, Wind Rush Totem and Graceful Spirit to use up before we’d ever consider spending GCD time or talent points on this. We really just don’t need a 5th movement ability to compete with damage.

I dont see it going away. Its already worth using now.

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I agree. It is a gap closer with just .5 sec gcd , can be useful to use with totemic projection to replace cap totem.

Why does this ability need a minimum range? It gives no root/stun/resource back and the damage is crap so it can’t be seen as a rotation damage boost. It’s awkward having the minimum range attached to it.

I think it should root like charge but idk how anyone else feels. I still like to use it lol