Please Do NOT Bring the Mage Tower Weapons Back!

I got the OG werebear form. I still want people to have the chance to get that form, not just the monster energy drink werebear.

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Put recolors on the store.

No, but I can observe in this very thread the very vocal people saying “They are unimportant”.

But the same person writing the 1000 word essay literally says “they are unimportant and here is 1000 words about why they should be brought back”.

When the easy answer is : “well, they’re unimportant, so they shouldn’t”.

I’m the opposite. I hated the original wear bear, but the fel infused tatto that is now a permanent fixture, that one has my attention.

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im actually all for bringing back the mop legendary questline. however it doesnt have to reward the same stuff it did back in the day. my arguement for that is that it is a MASSIVE chunk of the story that was just removed from the game. and while because blizzard keeps changing the lore to suit their bad writing there is alot of people who really enjoy it and should have the chance to do it again or see it for the first time.

What about us who earned them but had to move and create new account? Is it fair towards us that we can’t obtain them anymore?

I doubt they will bring it back, they want to keep it exclusive to Legion. But its funny how people get upset over few pixels that where made accessible easier to new players.


I agree, quest chains shouldn’t be removed. For something like the tower, where the challenge has changed, the reward should change as well.


You just waited until ToS heroic gear to smash it.

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didn’t everyone?

Some classes could beat it off of heroic NH, and many off Mythic NH. I wasn’t raiding beyond heroic, so I had no chance. Plus I was missing a lot of BiS legendaries until later expansions.

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Whats more funny? the Fact that people keep falling for his posts, or that Humanbeak is posting on multiple alts in the thread to add credibility?

Let’s pretend literally everyone only did the tower with Antorus sets and perfect legendaries. Only 11% of players completed every challenge for their class. That’s 1/3 the number of players who went in and, according to you, face rolled the tower on one spec. If your argument had any validity, and the tower was easy mode by the end, one would have to deduce the completion rate would be more substantial. Yet here we are.

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This argument is going in circles

If it is not prestigious why do you want them ? if it is prestigious then it can only stay that way if it is not brought back .

Lets instead talk about removing pathfinder :grin:


I support this cause

finally something we can all agree on

i did the prot, holy and ret paladin challenges wearing the same gear except for the artifact weapons (and i didnt play holy or prot at all, so those artifacts were super low ilvl)… i beat them in a couple tries.

Moving on.

i also completed both challenges for havoc and vengeance, wearing my havoc gear for vengeance (same with low ilvl vengeance artifact weapons because i never played that spec until shadowlands).

I also beat the windwalker monk mage tower challenge a couple days before it was removed with my free boost from purchasing BFA… this monk was in the basic greens (no tier set whatsoever, never even entered antorus on the monk)… i actually had never played windwalker before in my life, i just boosted one because i had read that windwalker may be a better m+ dps than havoc for BFA season 1.

The devs even confirmed intended you would be able to outgear the challenges over time. It was meant to be a cakewalk at the end by design.

It gave everyone a fair shot at it when it was active. I like that they ended up doing it that way.

As far as completing every spec? Youd have to ask them. I couldn’t be bothered.

I made a commitment to the game that i refuse to chase rewards just to chase rewards. if i want something, i get it. otherwise i don’t.

Hello anecdote, meet data. You’re struggling here.