Please do hit Anduin with the villian bat

Keep your filthy hands away from my mans, pink-skin.

Yes, because it’s pretty clearly a joke.

What’s a joke?

Referring to being a former-Catholic as being recovering. Sorry m8, but as a fellow non-practicing Catholic lamb it’s mildly funny. Not like haha funny, but I definitely exhaled a bit of air out my nose.

I wonder if this attitude would be considered acceptable if it was directed at another religion?

Man you are just desperate for that victim card.


I’m not a victim, I don’t want that. I just want a bigoted double standard that’s been increasingly popular over the past 10-30 years to end (heck, we still get grief over the Spanish Inquisition and the Crusades… which both ended over 150 - 600 YEARS AGO. NO ONE ALIVE TODAY WAS INVOLVED IN EITHER OF THOSE).

I hope Anduin isn’t villain-batted, but at this rate, I wouldn’t be surprised if it happened.

SURE, let’s villain bat one of the only decent examples of non-toxic masculinity in gaming. Let’s roid him out into an Arthas 2.0 because it’ll sell $1100 statuettes. GOD, it’s like any male character with a semblance of a conscience, or displays feelings other than GRRRAHH, FOR THE HORDE/ALLIANCE, y’all just want to destroy. It’s reeeeeally gross, guys. Even Thrall gets criticized for not being as much of a “badass” as he used to be. “Ugh, green Jesus,” Jesus was a chill dude. I’m not religious, but the man was absolutely not a fighter, and that is admirable. Wanting peace is a GOOD quality to have.

I’m so gd tired of macho edge lords, like, even Sylvanas follows this archetype, except she’s got other ASSETS that macho gamer bros really like to stare at or something, idk. :unamused:

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I feel like you don’t understand that the Faction Conflict in every single capacity has absolutely nothing but negative associations for the Horde on a Story level. That story thread has truly damaged or outright destroyed EVERYTHING that I came to enjoy about the Horde. Rendering the Faction Identity damaged beyond repair; Several of our core Racial Fantasies deader than the Forsaken; and our character roster a joke of underpowered, underused, and underdeveloped characters. With absolutely zero means for a Horde PC to ever truly be portrayed in a heroic light again. There is no nuance to ever be found in that story thread.

All so that Blizz can use us as a motiveless plot-device to settup future content and future villains; and bail on the consequences of that. While they repeatedly show they are thoroughly unwilling to portray the Alliance in anything other than a flawless, perfect, sterile white Light. With Anduin being a symptom of that, not a root cause.

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I asked that question before, and can ask again: the Warcraft 3 horde got more “nuance” and “shades” since then - are you happy about what you got? Because the answer to this question will tell all that is needed to understand the expectations when it comes to the future of that story line.

(not sure it’s related to the original Anduin thread. But seeing Anduin as enemy while siding with Turalyon would’ve been an interesting turn of events).

Btw, could mention at least one important decision in the alliance that was done because of the Nobles? I can’t. They sort of exist. For some reason.

Alleria herself if the Three Sisters comic says

My lie… is that the void’s powers are a gift. They are not. It is a relentless struggle…

She claims she’ll win, but, there are hints that she won’t.

that is not a funny joke

That is how it should be. But there are more and more questions to where the “one true path” (although there is a double botton in this statement) under the leading of Danuser (who works since Legion. Hm, and this shift is since the Legion too - might be a coincidence) will go.

gl hf

Yes, to the point where all that “nuance” and “shades” have to be literally shackled and silenced for years so that Blizz can use a McGuffin to shoehorn a crazed despot into the Drivers seat. AND give that despot the freedom and time to do whatever the hell they want with the Faction, until its convenient for ANYONE else to have an opinion. The “nuance” and “shades” of a clear vehicle and plot-device to be used without consideration of the consequences. Truly “silencing” the layers is adding more layers.

And Chrono, you are genuinely talking to one of those people who does see the artificial maintenance of the Alliance’s flawlessness as one of the single most damaging writing philosophies in this game. Their inability to have any semblance of nuance, flaws, or “grey” without Blizz rushing into BURY them in justifications, validations, or handwaving means that the Horde by default has to pick up the “Flaws” and “Grey” slack. Truly, there is nothing more inhuman and artificial than the way the current Alliance in written.


That is indeed the case. The alliance have to be (it seems) a company for Anduin and his pristine image of never facing consequences of his actions and always being right ™

And this symptome is not going to go anywhere while we have the current cast of characters / writers I’m afraid. To have morally grey stories, IMO the correct answers should be removed. And so far we have the dominance of selected few dev favourite characters that push the convenient narrative.

As long as “only together” narrative can only be right and not a source of horrors if pushed at the wrong time / situation, there can never be validity for other points of view. Everything will be a victim to validate this world view, no matter if alliance characters (with attempts to portray Tyrande as wrong and preventing the other from building a better world) or the horde ones (as you know way better that I am).

Problem is not adding new characters, be it Yrel or whoever (for the race that does not have much of a cast anyway). Problem IMO is the existence in the story of characters and ideologies that can never be shown as wrong.

gl hf


You started off good but when you started to make it all about Sylvanas’s assets you played into toxic masculinity yourself.


They specifically said it traumatized them. They didn’t imply it was a disease or disorder.
An escape room can traumatize someone. That doesn’t mean escape rooms are fundamentally a disease or disorder. They’re just an event meant to be fun.


Where is the lie? She should be allowed to look the way she looks, but they gotta be GROSS about it. I literally watched a video earlier where all the guy cared about was “Where’s Sylvanas’s boobs” and he had a fricken MELTDOWN when he realized the new models had smaller. boobs. I shirt you not. :unamused: She gets a pass for genocide BECAUSE of the toxic chauvinistic base that plays this game, but Anduin has to go because he’s, and I quote “a peacemonger.” Nah. I’m done with Sylvanas, it’s not worth what these bro-types make her all about.


Is it weird that I don’t mind Anduin beyond him feeling forced into the High King position? If he were just the fledgling King of SW (and say, someone who has a ton of experience leading joint military operations like Muradin were in his place) I’d be pretty chill with what would be a fairly traditional coming of age storyline.

That being said, I am not fond with how Blizz is treating Baine in relation to Anduin. Baine maintaining a positive relationship with both Anduin and Jaina is fine, but Blizz has grown far too used to making the poor guy a plot-device. Which has resulted in him sort of being turned into the Pet, of a clear writers Pet. We are talking about the main rep of the single most Spirit Worshipping PC race in this game, who appears to be only getting settup as an accessory for Anduin’s personal narrative … in the land of the dead. Not to mention, the guy who has repeatedly been referred to as the Horde’s Heart and Best, was just discarded like worthless garbage by his own kidnappers … yet seems unlikely use that very classic catalyst for growth … for actual growth. And rather his story is far more likely to simply have him pining for the far more inherently valuable Anduin’s story. It is frustrating…

  • Alliance racial leader
  • Villain-bat

Pick 1.


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How about option

C) Both? :wolf:

Blizzard doesn’t do that.


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True. :wolf:

Forgot they only do that to horde leaders.

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Let me find as neutral a way to respond as possible. Okay, lets borrow a line from a parable.

You’ve built your argument on sand.

Your first assumption is that “recovered Catholic” refers to Catholicism as an illness.

However the only “recovered Catholics” I’ve met have been some form of LGBTQ, and their recovery was from the psychological trauma of being raised within a dogma that taught them a central part of their identity was a sinful choice and moral failing.

Likewise the trauma of sexual assault facilitated by the Catholic church is way too likely a possible interpretation.

Or even just simply being a medical doctor in an OB/GYN field and developing a philosophy or worldview from your experiences that is incompatible with the Catholic Church’s parochial view on family planning.

Your second assumption is that she would then view the ill with scorn or disdain.

That’s not how I treat the sick. Most people with an ounce of decency find their way to treating the sick with some degree of empathy and compassion. I expect you do as well.

But your second assumption requires that the people who have recovered from Catholicism lack even an ounce of decency. Which honestly paints you as the one with irrational biases.

Your third assumption is that they’d want something they view to be scornful and undesirable as part of a game they use as a leisure activity.

They could just as easily go the other direction. I find forced copulation to be disgraceful and enraging. I want it as far from my leisure activity as possible. On the other hand I find bigotry disgraceful and enraging, but I’m more open to bigotry appearing in my casual entertainment so long as it’s someone I get to punch.

For your argument to be true all three of these assumptions would need to be correct. A single one of them being wrong invalidates your hypothetical.

Plus you then closed by spinning a lazy conspiracy about Blizzard developers. I can name more faction leaders that are religious figures than I can name evil religious figures.

I didn’t think the rest of your post was particularly good.