Please Disable Twinking or allow people to queue for NON-twink bg's

It was BC I think. Anyway, the min levels more made it so twinks weren’t as powerful because twinks would still just get the highest level of the enchant they could.

Yea thats fair enough… I forget when the min lvl on enchants were changed, I think it was a good change overall. twinks still got to be powerful, just not broken…

Having a twink rogue walk around at lvl 29 with unholy and crusader, is a little silly xD

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is a little awesome* xD


Probably is for the twink, but you should probably consider the wellbeing everyone else…

Idc that much in the end… my 2 cents they should raise the min level on enchants… but if they don’t. That’s okay too.

I agree with you that it is okay no matter what, ultimately. Still, twinking is a super way to pass time, imo. It can be done with or without a 60. Just takes some time. The ‘I don’t want to put in the time others do, please change the game’ folks get tiring is all.

I was never advocating to stop twinking… I plan to twink too. Just the enchants are on a whole another level. You can still make a very effective and strong twink without them.

You type truth Hailiaxx.

More like the, “I want to be able to take a break from leveling by playing a battleground without being stomped on by people who have planned their character entirely around stomping on people who just want to take a break from leveling by playing a battleground” people.

Not that I think there is any method for Blizzard to stop twinks in Vanilla without giving experience for battlegrounds, but this disingenuous “Twinks just put in more work” nonsense is garbage.

when you write a wall of text completely ignoring the fact that 90% of players were clickers in vanilla. you blamed twinks? no hunny you were just getting steam rolled by the few who understood keybindings.

‘Work’ is a bit of a stretch. It is really just time. And some folks have and use the time. To make BiS twinks. Other folks don’t. Those folks who don’t generally want the game changed so the folks willing to invest the time don’t have an advantage.

Twinking in order to steamroll lesser geared players is a lame, shameful way to pass time, IMO.

There is a small percentage of the twink community that truly values fair fights, but,
IMO, we’ve seen ample evidence of the motivations of the majority of those that choose to twink.

Note: I am not suggesting that clasdic be changred. I have already stated that I do not believe that twinks should be segregated in classic.

While I have little or no respect for most of those that choose to twink, if they were openly honest about their motivations. I could at least respect their honesty.

Respectfully, I disagree. Finding the optimal gear/enchants and decking out a lil’ fella in those goodies is a super great time! An excellent way to burn some hours.


I mean, it is called a ‘Battleground.’ Not to RP too much … but who wouldn’t enter a battleground as strong as they could possibly be?

You could of course always play a higher bracket with more buttons, that is harder to gear for, and where enchants matter less.

Level 60 PVP is really the same thing… I mean, when you really look at it…

The Low level to be totally fair is actually more balanced across the board because anyone can gear for it simply because all the content is available to be had and anyone can have a maxed out character…

Am I willing to put that much into a low level character?? eh, meh… I can see why people do it.


Williams is insightful and level headed.

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I’d like to point out a couple of things I haven’t seen here yet:

  1. Yes, when people with stopped XP were split off from the population, most of those non-XP brackets died. That said, I think there’s a confounding variable: twinks were always a minority. When you remove the majority of the player base, queue times go way up, and as has been pointed out by others, many who played twinks (like myself) are more casual players. For me, the offshoot is that the time to queue is longer than the time that I have available to play.

  2. Though the traditional version of twinks went away, to some extent this group was replaced by those with heirlooms. In my experience, players decked out in heirlooms ruled low-level BGs after pure twinks went away. And getting a full set of heirlooms takes quite a bit longer than making a twink. So in that sense, I’d say removing twinks from the main population just made it harder to be in the top tier of players (at least in terms of gear.)

There is a huge difference between “decking out a lil’ fella in those goodies” to compete with other “lil’ fellas decked out in those goodies” and “decking out a lil fella in those goodies” to steamroll lesser geared players.

Those who’s motivation is the former have my respect, while the latter group have my disdain.

What happened to the claim that “We twinks just want a fair fight against other twinks. We don’t twink to steamroll lesser geared players.”?

Oh, this thread is gold.

OP reminds me of my sister.

That is all.