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Hello Inavas!

It doesn’t look like you’re in need of DHs, but judging by your roster it doesn’t look like you need a whole lot of Mages either, yet it’s on your list, so I figured I’d throw in my lot as it looks like we could be a good fit for each other.

I’ve been playing on/off since Vanilla and have a massive wealth of experience, but as the grown up I am, I’m looking to slow down into a more manageable schedule after having to step down from mythic raiding during Legion.

Here’s a link to a LFG post I’ve made not too long ago, where you’ll find more info about me:

I’d prefer to actually be able to stick to Havoc, but if that’s not feasible, I’m in the process of getting my Mage up to speed as I type this, so maybe I could fill in with the DH in the mean time.

Feel free to get in touch if you think we can work something out.

BNET: Toney#11465
Discord: Toney#4823

If nothing else, good luck with your search and have a happy holiday season!