Please delete

reset bump!

sent discord rq

202 balance druid

Lf Ranged dps! Specifically boomy, hunter, mage.

to the top! lf ranged

bump lf pumpers

bump, 2/10M now :smiley:

to the top!

Back up we go. Happy NYE!

2021 bump!

friday bump

What spec healers are you looking for?

bump, to the top

Saturday bump!

happy sunday

bump, back to the top

In terms of healers we’re preferably looking for a disc priest!

Any need of S-Priest? 9/10H spriest (H. denath @4%, 210ilvl) looking for a better timeslot than my old guild. I also do arena and M+ regularly (1500 rating, 830io so far). TimeDevourer#11369 bnet/ Izanaki#9674 on discord.

Tomorrow is resets! GL in your Vault

bump, very high priority to a pumper heals :slight_smile: Non monk and non hpal

bump, back up we go