Please delete

I thought it was a Kiwi accent. I want a refund =(

lol this guys IO is 2075ā€¦
and he is only 4/10M?
You have to be messing with us. This man is talking trash about a random guild that he left and we didnā€™t even blink?

Your main isnā€™t even the best mage in your guild. Maybe you should message him instead of trolling a random forum.

How do you even justify coming into a guilds recruitment thread that you left with no bad blood from anybody if I remember correctly, to kill 4 more mythic bosses a tier?

Now youā€™re here, flaming us for what reason? We did anything specific to piss you off on this random Friday evening?
Iā€™m sorry youā€™re having a bad day but I donā€™t ever recall having bad blood with you. I hope your day gets better and you actually get good. but Iā€™m not counting on it.

Gene may have hit on the head with you being carried. Barely 2k IO. Blue Parses on deck. Idk man.

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Heā€™s mad he got his alts kicked, man. Iā€™m telling you.

Shifty I used to have a lot of respect for you.

Not at all. The Alts were an example of the toxicity. Itā€™s not hard to put Alts in a new guild.

The point of my post has been fulfilled to the point I actually deleted it because Mead and I had a sit down.

Thanks for showing those true colors though.

Good luck on Sylvanus and future tiers.

Wait. Let me get this straight. All of this was to get a single conversation with Maeve? You could have easily done that at any point since you left the guild. Didnā€™t really need to come into our recruit post ā€œprove a pointā€. And what point is that really? That you can make a post and raise the ire of the whole guild? You should check with the person that you still talk to that is in the guild about just how angry we are. Weā€™re not. We donā€™t really care about anything you say. Weā€™re here because itā€™s amusing that you have some grudge over something you caused months ago that means little to the rest of us.

But you know what, you are right. You are definitely the winner here and we should all strive to the level of greatness that you have attained.

We should just do mythic progress to prove a point and get 4/10M so we can be on his level.

Used to? Damn. Iā€™m hurt you donā€™t respect me anymore (I had completely forgot you before I was alerted to the random grudge match on the forums.) I donā€™t need respect. My IO speaks for its self. Being able to switch to anything and do decent with 200 ping speaks for itself. I donā€™t need your respect.

Bump - no more drama

Bump for a Tank for 9.2

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Bump for a tank! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :kissing_heart:

Could you use a brewmaster and a holy paladin?

Hiyas, Please contact me via Discord or Bnet to chat - or fill out app linked in 1st post. Thanks

BattleNet: Meadbh#1777
Discord: Meadbh#4372

To the top, still looking!

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While we donā€™t have an ETA for 9.2, we are starting to look to fill a few spots for raid once the new patch drops. Please fill out an app or message me if interested.

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  • DPS: Warlock, Hunter or Boomkin
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Ranged ā€¦ DPS

bumps in the night

looking for Ranged DPS