That’s ironic considering this wasnt intended to be a conversation.
Can confirm, just joined this guild and the guild leader keeps pestering me every day asking if I’m doin ok and if I have any concerns. I seriously cannot believe the audacity!
(Copy and paste this to the forums, but don’t forget to delete this last part or say goodbye to your raid spot!)
Tabo must be really upset if he has people copying and pasting things
He is. He yelled at me until I cried
On a serious note. Mead is pretty nice, until you leave the guild.
I wish you luck.
Apparently I am not lavishing praise enough on my guild mates.
I actually never said anything bad about you even after you went and pretended to the rest of the guild that Vam and I ghosted the guild.
All I said was the leadership in this guild is toxic.
Nothing in my first post is false.
I am not sure where you are getting this information. You and he said you wanted to go do further progression (mythic) and wished you well.
You mean like when we said we wanted to leave our Alts here and still raid with y’all one night a week only to have y’all pretty much say eff off and kick our toons out of guild/kick us from discord?
From my understanding, and the way you act. I wouldn’t want any part of you in my guild. Probably a good thing you left in the first place.
Or got kicked.
You’re only hearing one side.
Because you don’t remember me? Exactly what have I done?
Because you have heard a one sided explanation?
Of course it was. I enjoy progressing in the game.
The only thing that got kicked were Alts because Tabo threw a tantrum because we left.
The only one I see throwing a tantrum right now is you. Get over yourself.
Not throwing a tantrum at all my guy. Infact everything was good until you decided to comment on things you don’t have a clue about.
I’m good and don’t have anything to get over.
I dunno, dude. You’re earlier comment about my guild, and how people shouldn’t join because your alts got kicked really makes me think otherwise. But, hey. Keep on, keepin’ on, I guess.
Also, I’ve been in the guild for almost two years. I’m usually more disrespectful torwards the leaders than they are torwards me. They know its for good fun though.
You kinda strike me as the person who takes video games too seriously so I can see why you left, or you’re butt hurt over having your alts kicked.
The fact you think this is about Alts is hilarious. It’s actually about the toxicity of one of your officers.
If I had a problem I wouldn’t be telling mead suggestions on how you guys could finally kill sylvanus.
You definitely represent every guild member. Your experience is their experience.
Not at all. You’re entitled to your very incorrect assumptions though.
And that’s why you’re in a progression guild, and were a casual heroic aotc guild. Who cares when we down the bosses aslong as we down them before AOTC drops. That’s your problem, and you left, obviously because our philosophy didn’t fit your expectations.
Or maybe, you just wanted to get carried through progression faster? Who knows why you left. You’re not the leader, and from the way you talk, you seem over yourself.
The way yall are trying to down it requires more coordination because your group is too big. P3 is practically impossible with yalls group size.
I dont have a problem, only trying to help. You’re the one getting an attitude.
Actually my friend and I were taking a break from mythic raiding and were very upfront about it.
Never claimed to be the leader. You clearly didnt read any of my posts.
When did our guild ever ask for your help. You obviously left the guild to progress, and now you’re taking a break? Sounds pretty flaky to me. I think the group strat that we have is fine, and we’ve gotten pretty close to downing sylvie. Then, you have the audacity to come to the forums and start bashing our guild. We obviously have a lot of members raiding because people like raiding with us.
Also, we’ve been going slow this tier because we know SL is in a content drought. Why would we push through content as hard as we can when there is no content to be had after it’s done. Yeah, cool. AOTC, but does it really matter. Will it get you into groups? Would you even want to go into groups outside of your guild?
If I remember who you are. I think you raided with us back in BFA, and one of you played a druid. And you both were pretty sub-par at best.
hey nerd, we still didnt kill sylvanas, stay mad
It came up in my conversation with Mead today. I never stated I was taking a break?
Again you’re commenting on stuff you dont have a clue about.
Thats cool, however you probably wont kill Sylvanus with your current strat.
People pug heroic all the time and require aotc
You are remembering incorrectly. I played Lock/Rogue and he played SPriest/DH and it was during CN we were both horde in BFA