Please delete

BUMP could use a hunter! :hugs:

Bumpity and stuff

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Bumping for Warlock

In need of a warlock still

Added Meadbh#1777, warlock would love to talk. Also submitted an application per ingame chat with Gnometarded suggestion.

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Bumping for Warlock.

BUMP looking for a lock

To the top!

Bumps to the top

Bump still looking

Could use a warlock and DK…

Hi! i mainly play horde and have AOTC on my main priest and shaman, but was just looking for a good social guild for my few alliance toons,I may move back to alliance in the future but for now just somewhere to hang out causually. my BNET is Lokko#11656 look forward to chatting with someone

Hello Loko !

Hello! hows it going?

Bump for DPS: Lock and DK

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Still looking to fill one or two spots

Warlock, maybe Mage

Still looking

Looking for warlock :slight_smile:

Bump - looking to fill a few DPS holes.

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