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Now 3/12M. Still recruiting solid players.

Need some dps for friday!

LF holy Paladin and any other exceptional DPS

4/12M now 10% on Hivemind for our first night on them.

Still looking for talented individuals.

Hope to hear from you

Thanks for reaching out I will be in contact with you shortly Reesanio

Mythic Hivemind down still recruiting a solid mage.

Mythic Xanesh down. All spots are competitive, still recruiting exceptional players.

BUMP BUMP!! Choo Choo

Recruiting mages other exceptional players.

Join the train. when we go 12/12 free ocelots for all

7/12M Vex down!!!

Recruiting various DPS and healers.

Bump bump lets push!

Ra-den down. Still looking for exceptional players.

Drest dying soon, come blast :slight_smile:

Cool group of guys! Except that Will guy. Other than that 100% recommend

Will is a little bit of a sand bag but we make it work :slight_smile: check us out

^^^ Second that