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Looking for those dps players with the skill to pay the bill.

Bump dat bump!

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BuMpInG tHe BuMpS

Come join us in our shenanigans <3

I just started, leveling up a priest currently if you have any spots in your guild?

Casuals are always welcome :slight_smile:

Come hang out with the cool kids and remember what it was like when raiding was fun <3 We are looking for a couple of healers and a handful of dps , hit us up

BUmpity bump

We are still looking for some amazing players to join us in our raid shenanigans , in special need of healers, but dps classes also considered

Bumpy bumps!

Still have a few raid spots that have β€œyour name” written on them !! Look us up <3

Bump - LF those couple people!

Bumpy Bumps!

Love this guild!

Bumpity Bumps

We are still looking for some amazing , fun people to join us for our shenanigans in the upcoming AQ Raid and of course in ZG & MC & BWL

Shameless Bumpage!

Bump bump!

Allumination likes to party #woosh