Just wanted to add my two copper in here as well. The guild has been nothing but helpful and chill to me and I am willing to admit I am not the best at keys. People are willing to help in lower keys, push if you want to try for higher, and are just all around kind.
I’ve known a lot of people who find the timer, the pressure, or the expectations they associate with m+ to be daunting and a reason to not try it, but give us a run and I think you’ll be pleasantly surprised. It can be a fun time with friends!
Xavara is a nerd and smells like fel bagels. Thread bump bump
LOL. Ouch! I prefer fel doughnuts, tyvm.
We are now up to 12 members in the guild and 19 in Discord. Small, but we’re becoming very close knit.
We are still looking for all roles to fill out some m+ teams and potentially raiding in DF.
Feel free to message myself, Sasikanya, or Kuldak in game to get an invite. Or you may add me on Discord for an invite as well. (Xav#5556)
I will be available to help people gear up new alts in preparation for Dragonflight, and if you want your KSM mount, there is only 1 week of Fortified and Tyrannical left each. I am more than happy to help!
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Thanks! I wish I could say I came up with it myself but it is a song title by the metal band Behemoth. I LOVE metal, and I also love demon hunters, shadow priests, warlocks and death knights. Pretty much all the edgy bois of WoW, so I thought it was relevant for my characters haha. <3
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This group is so phenomenal for keys, I went from barely having KSM to a 2.2k rating and a super high ilvl. Everyone is so welcoming, sweet, and fun to play with, I am excited to finally have a M+ group to play with! I cannot recommend them enough if you’re new, experienced, or whichever!!
Oops, meant to comment that with my main above, haha.
Great group to run with! Always welcoming and understanding! Having a non-toxic group to run with in M+ makes all the difference! Would highly recommend!
Gosh this is tempting. I love to run dungeons but I also like to rp x.x
You can join our Discord! The guild is very niche, being a m+ guild on the world’s biggest RP realm, so the expectation to join the guild isn’t there. While the guild is active enough for being small, our Discord is used frequently, with our general chat usually always active.
We’re mostly active later in the night, 7PM to 2AM server time is usually when we run stuff together. We’re just now getting to +20-22 keys as a group. It has been fun progressing together!
We could use players of all roles and classes still! So feel free to add me on Discord (Xav#5556) or whisper me in game.
Things are still moving along great! Up to 34 players in the Discord, and 23 in the guild. Some of us just finished getting our last +20 dungeon portals last night too and will continue to push rating.
We’re still looking for players of all skill level and all roles!
We’ve boomed and grown really fast. At this time, until DF and M+ resumes, we are not accepting any more applicants into the guild. The one exception is tank main players with current or past experience in keys beyond +20. Thank you for your interest and I wish you all luck out there! See you in DF!
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I would be interested in joining if you are recruiting for DF!
Be interested!
MellyBelly#3220 on discord
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Recruitment has opened back up! We need healers & tanks the most at this time but below (Glacierwall’s comment) is a list of classes or specs that we lack representation on in the guild.
Message me in game or add me on Discord @ Xav#5556
Just to highlight some classes w/ spec categories that are currently open:
Priest / Monk / Shaman / Pally
Hunter / Mage / Warlock / Druid
Hunter / DK / Pally / Warrior / Druid / Rogue
Recruitment is Closed for the following (at this time):
Resto Druid
DPS Shaman
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Thanks, you brick wall you.
*Edit: We do not like turning any interested people away but we also do not want to become some massive guild where people log in and never talk or just fade away into the crowd. We want to get to know every individual who joins, and make friends with them and bond. We’re very close knit.
Our philosophy for recruiting is to only bring in new members that fill a void so everyone feels important. For example, if we have no shadow priests, we’ll look specifically for 1-2 shadow priest players and then close recruitment on them.
We are also a VERY social and active guild/community in Discord. We use voice chat often, literally daily, and we’ve become close friends in game. Not every player likes this, and as such, it is harder to make friends or be included in content if you’re not comfortable with Discord. Is it mandatory? No. Does it help? Yes, big time.
If you just want to log in and never say a word in guild chat, even when greeted, then this also isn’t the home for you. We want friendly, social, players only.
If you’re looking to join us, please take these things into consideration and don’t take a “no” as being a personal slight against you. Keep an eye on the above recruitment/opening lists and try back another time! Thanks!
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Still recruiting! Updated List of what we’re accepting is below.
Death Knight / Druid / Monk / Paladin
Evoker / Monk / Pally / Priest / Shaman
Ranged DPS
Druid / Evoker / Mage / Priest / Warlock
Melee DPS
Death Knight / Demon Hunter / Druid / Hunter / Pally / Rogue / Warrior
Also announcing that we now have a sister guild called the Dark Embrace on MG Horde side with the same leadership and officer core. We’re recruiting all classes and roles at this time. Adhering to the same rules as the Alliance guild and sharing the Discord. Please whisper any member if you’re interested in joining!